Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Note From Jana Bobek

Jana Bobek: for those of you who misunderstood my comment of " free as a bird""I apologize but as English is not my first language what I meant to relay was that I appreciate Nicole being given her freedom to continue to pursue her opportunities of education ,working and support of family and friends without the restrictions of prison.

Nicole is suddenly becoming a student?! Is she finally getting her GED?

And to think that everyone tried to blame the craziness on Aunt Joyce over the years!


  1. What nationality is Bobek? Was her mom born in the US?

  2. Did Nicole inherit the drug problems from her mother, or is that just a really bad photo?

  3. Bad photo, but the only one of her in google images.

  4. This whole story makes me sad. I hope Nicole gets her shit together.

  5. I feel sad too. Watching someone hit rock bottom is just terrible. She was really talented too and didn't need to go down such a dangerous and dark path.

  6. when did you get blamed?

  7. I'm just laughing that the name of this blog is about these nut-jobs. haha.
