Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Great Britain's Olympic Team

And the Bridget Jones' are: Imogen Cairns, Jennifer Pinches, Rebecca Tunney, Beth Tweddle and Hannah Whelan.

The Gay or British Squad: Sam Oldham, Daniel Purvis, Louis Smith, Kristian Thomas and Max Whitlock.

The alternates are Becky Downie and Danusia Fracis

Was this your team?  I feel rather bonded to these bloody Brits after watching so many documentaries on them.  It is certainly a blow for Becky Downie not to make it, but she is not quite the same after her injury.

Sam Oldham

Jennifer Pinches

Daniel Purvis

Louis Smith

Kristian Thomas

Rebecca Tunney- the new Hannah Whelan (Hopefully she'll have a better Olympic showing.)

Beth Tweddle

Hannah Whelan

Max Whitlock


  1. Danusia is pretty to watch but she adds nothing to the squad except for the ability to not get injured. I can not believe that she is alternate.

  2. so basically these girls like gymnastics because they get to travel the world and hang out with their friends... were they meant to say all the same lines?

    And I guess they forgot to say that going to the olympics is a dream come true, you train so hard your whole life for this moment and it is an honnor to go out and represent your country...

    bahahaha. I get that all of this is true, but still, come on people!

    Beacky was on my team...
