Shawn Sawyer is going to keep competing this season, but he is going to focus on entertaining the crowd and performing. Shawn's new free skate is to Alice In Wonderland and he will portray the mad hatter. He is going to work with a variety of coaches this coming season instead of focusing on one main coach.
Loren Goller Rabinowitz is the new Miss Massachusetts. The former ice dancer is tiny for the average beauty queen (5' 2 1/2''), but her drive has taken her to the 2011 Miss America pageant. David Mitchell, Loren's former partner, has already had his mother start another letter-writing campaign to members of Congress in order to keep Tanith Belbin from potentially entering the pageant in order to ensure the title going to a 'real' American.
The latest ManleyWoman skatecast is with everyone's favorite LonGisland agent. As many have said of Tara, count the number of times she references going to UPenn. Tara even discuss her bullshit charity that is partnered with Stars, Stripes and Skates. Tara also hails a cab near the end of the interview. While so many skating legends are extremely humble when answering questions, Tara displays an air of superiority and 'wow me' during the entire interview. "Well I wouldn't recommend anyone becoming an agent..."
This weekend's Japan Cup is scheduled to be broadcast on Universal Sports. The US is sending a men's team: Chris Cameron, Jonathan Horton, Alex Naddour, John Orozco, Paul Ruggeri and Chris Brooks (alternate).
Mother Russia's women's team continues to change their roster, but Aliya Mustafina is scheduled to compete. Koko Tsurumi is planning on debuting several upgrades to her routines.
Nastia Liukin is launching her clothing line this month. She is working with a personal trainer when she is at home, but is traveling for almost the entire month. For the first time, Nastia is admittedly unsure about a potential comeback.
Serena Williams is set to open another can of whoop ass in the Wimbledon Finals. God Bless anyone who dares to get in her way!
Ah, Tara, it all makes so much sense now. You remind me of the POS millionaire beyotch who laid me off last year. She went to UPenn too, and was so proud of it! Same bad dye job and po-face, too.
ReplyDeleteIn other news, I like Shawn Sawyer as the Mad Hatter. Hey, at least it's something different, for chrissakes.
Tara, a good agent doesn't think that hanging out w/ the likes of Kelly Osbourne, Kim Kardashian, Richie Rich and Rich's BFF Paris Hilton, is a good career move for her client. If the aim is to keep Johnny's face in the public eye for 15 more minutes, it's working. But Johnny is getting overexposed and is starting to come across as famewhoring....and I'm saying this as someone who likes Johnny.
ReplyDeleteWhen is Universal Sports broadcasting the Japan Cup? I went to their website and can't find the info...
ReplyDeleteWhere did Nastia say that she is unsure?
ReplyDeleteI couldn't listen to Yenta Modlin's voice for longer than ten seconds. She just makes me cringe.
ReplyDeleteJohnny Weir is so twenty minutes ago, anyway. Tell us again how you "got screwed" at the Olympics, Johnny. You know you want to.