Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A modified version of Voir's new Short Dance.


  1. Just lovely. Can't wait to see it develop in competitive form.

  2. I actually find it to be kind of blah and boring, though it's hard to tell because it was modified for the show.

  3. Bah, it felt more like a CD than an OD. I will claw my eyes out if all of the new SDs are CD snoozefests rather than exciting and innovative like previous ODs.

  4. Doesn't have the sparkle factor as their other routines but I've got a feeling they aren't going to use the lifts they did in the show.

  5. where was the pattern? I guess it was removed for the show. I found that the tango didn't really work with the soft romantic mid section and even the tango parts were skate too gently for my tastes. I like a fierce sultry tango.
