Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Moment of Total Win

Nine-year-old Starr Andrews knows how to whip her hair back and forth!  And who ever said that figure skating was just a prissy wonder bread sport?!

What must GloZell think about this?  Someone must alert her immediately!

(P.S.  I am praying that her parents named her after Star Jones in the hope that she will one day become a lawyer and television personality.)

Starr back in the day...


  1. She's more artistic than Surya, but then again, so is a ham sandwich in a Ziploc bag.

  2. oh my god she is my new favorite skater.

  3. omg!!!!!! made my morning!

  4. Kawaiiiiii! (Japanese for cute.)

    OMG. I couldn't stop watching for a moment. I especially enjoyed her younger. She's 7 and has a genuine spiral that can compete with the seniors. And she listens to the music. I think I'm in love. LOL

  5. Wow how adorable is that.

  6. What a cutie and very talented!

  7. Love the Chuck Taylor skates!

  8. ok i know she is young and all that but does she have IT? I mean she works that routine like a tiajuana hooker bobbing for apples.

  9. This video was posted on People.com yesterday. So cute.

  10. Future Dominique Dawes of, om, Ladies Figure Skating. Let's hope she continues to diversify her repeartiore and not use the same program 3 years in a row.

  11. As I was scrolling and saw the still from the YouTube clip of "Whip My Hair", I really did think I was looking at a young Surya. (The "modern" title of the clip didn't register with me yet - besides, the uploader might've just used that title for their own reasons.)

    I thought I was about to be treated to another AuntJoyce bitchfest special on 'ol Surya.

    Good to see that this little girl's people are trying to ruin her before she can even see over the boards. "Future Olympian" - yup, no pressure.

  12. She's a Pre-Preliminary from All Year FSC. The video now has over 500,000 hits. I shudder at what this will do to her.
