Saturday, December 11, 2010

Breakfast At Czisny's

A Day We Never Thought We'd See

Marlie Mania


  1. Wonderful for Alyssa! Bad for my fantasy skating team. ;)

  2. Alissa really made my day.

  3. I am so happy for her! Well-deserved.

  4. So happy for Alyssa.

  5. U use to write interesting blog entries, AJ.

  6. Don't try to force anything out ofAJ. He needs to be inspired. You are being rude and that won't get you anywhere. He is working and hasn't even seen all of it yet.

  7. That FD of Marlie's gets better with each outing. I like it that their tango is of the more subtle quality instead of the show tango type.

    Great that Alissa won! I loved her reaction when she finished her free skate.

  8. Wow. That was unexpected. Congrats to Czisny.

    Did Rachael Flatt fall on every single jump she did? Because all of the junior ladies could have bested that score.

  9. "Did Rachael Flatt fall on every single jump she did? Because all of the junior ladies could have bested that score."

    Didn't she get only one ratified triple in the FS?

  10. "Didn't she get only one ratified triple in the FS?"
    Yes, the 3F at the beginning of the program. She got UR calls on the 3T, 3Lz (the jump she fell on), 3S<-2T-2Lo<. She also doubled three planned triples in the second half.

  11. I hate to say it, but I think she was gifted. She did 2 single triple toes and the tech judge gave her credit for the second triple toe. According to the details, it simply lists the 2nd one as triple toe + sequence. I saw the performance and didn't see anything close to any other jumps after the 2nd triple toe. According to the protocol, she received 3.71 points for the 2nd triple toe, when, according to the Zayak rule, she should have received 0. As it is, she won the overall title by beating Kostner by 2.15 points and Murakami by 2.16. She really should have been placed 3rd overall, IMHO.

  12. Anon 10.26am, the Zayak rule under COP is slightly different from the Zayak rule under 6.0. Rather than being completely disregarded, a repeated solo triple is credited as a jump sequence with only one jump. Like it or not, repeated solo triples DO receive partial credit under COP, thus your argument that Alissa should have been 3rd is flawed.

  13. Suzuki should have been second in my book, Carolina thrid. It was nice to see the commradore between Carolina and Alissa. One headcase to another i guess.
