Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Evolution of Katia

This is how IMG marketed Katia the grieving widow in the US.  One must remember that her relationship with Ilia was kept under wraps for some time due to her public image.  Even wishing to get with her would be enough to get someone kicked off of a tour.

Where did THIS Katia come from...  ?!

For the record, this makes me love her even more.


  1. Not a big fan of her as a person because she came off as a little too self-aware and calculating in creating her own grieving widow image. That is not to say she wasn't and isn't still a wonderful skater.

  2. They were having problems even before he died. I still think she poisoned him.

  3. Just not true AJ - the public knew she was dating Igor Zalinsky before she dated Il, and they knew when she started dating Ilia because they'd sit together on the SOI tour bus after leaving the arena and signing autographs. There's a whole website dedicated to G&G and Katia where it's obvious Kulik and Katia were an accepted couple at the time. He did not get kicked off tour. That's ridiculous.

  4. Ilia didn't get kicked off tour for "wanting to get with" Katia; someone else did.

    As for the poster above who thinks Katia poisoned Sergei, if that was a joke, it was in very poor taste, and if it wasn't, you must be delusional.

  5. AJ wasn't referring to Ilia

  6. she dated scott right?

  7. So who did get kicked off the tour because of wanting to get with her?

  8. Is nothing sacred anymore? Sigh, my innocence has been shattered thoroughly.

  9. There's no evidence that Katia and Sergei were having any problems before his death. That's nonsense. Though she had no lack of suitors after his death, it seems. That's not to say that she didn't love and mourn Sergei, but within a year she was already dating Igor - there's a pretty creepy interview with him talking about his rich skating girlfriend whose name he cannot reveal.

    There were also rumors about Katia and Kurt, but he was never kicked off SOI. I suppose with looks like hers and the attraction of the innocent and grieving widow, admirers eager to offer affection and solace were never far off.

    I love Katia, but she always seemed a little too self-absorbed, even before Sergei's death. And now after the cheating hoopla (he cheated on me, so I'm gonna cheat on him and now all is well), her current marriage seems a little bit of a sham too.
