Monday, January 14, 2013

Heartbreak For Alissa Czisny

Alissa Czisny injured herself at a small competition this weekend, with the injury thought to be a dislocated hip. Above is a video of her long program, cut directly prior to the event. Alissa had to be helped off the ice and was ultimate wheeled out of the event. She has undergone surgery and it is on the road to recovery, yet it is thought she may be battling a genetic predisposition to hip issues. After a disastrous end to last season, Alissa looked to be skating well enough to challenge for a top spot at Nationals. One can only speculate whether we will ever see her skate competitively again. Surely, the skating world is rooting for her.


  1. I was so looking forward to seeing Alissa's new long program at nationals :(
    I wish her a speedy recovery and no matter what happens with her future in the sport, no one can say that she didn't give it her all or didn't try as hard as she possibly could.

  2. She is a head case that in the end would have cost team USA a third spot. I feel bad for her as a human being but as a skater I am glad she won't be at worlds representing the USA so she can choke away a third spot for next year.

    1. Wow, how nasty and heartless can you be?

    2. Wow I didn't know Satan followed figure skating.

    3. Is she not a headcase? Do you not remember what she did at Worlds ?

      I want what is best for the UNITED STATES, Not one skater that had her chance MULTIPLE times and has headcased it every chance she has gotten.

      She;s a has been, more like a never was and I am glad she isn't skating for the US this year. She does not deserve another chance to screw the US out of a chance at having 3 skaters for next year.

      Use your brains

    4. Alissa is a two-time US champion. How many others can say that? Tara Lipinski? Nope. Sarah Hughes? Nope. Sasha Cohen? Nope. Kimmie Meissner? Nope. Kristi Yamaguchi? Nope.Any of the other US ladies currently skating? Nope. She was obviously injured last year at Worlds. She won the Grand Prix Final in 2011. Her artistry is the best. The international judges love her. She would have represented the US well.

    5. Skating is weak now compared to back in the day and none of tehse skaters could be Kwan at Nationals.

      I am not on board with hating Alissa but I don't understand how anyone can want this girl to rep the USA with the way she falls apart.

      Its better for the US that she is injured

    6. Alissa was injured at the last World's, so it's you that has a short memory. She came in 5th at 2011 Worlds. Another finish like that would likely get the US three spots. Whoever you are, your resort to ad hominem attacks shows the weakness of your arguments.

    7. Injured, Was she fined or suspended? That is an excuse and if she was injured she should have NOT GONE TO WORLDS. Now I can add selfish to her rep.

    8. She didn't know she was injured (the torn labrum) and in fact, may have suffered or aggravated the injury in the short program. She has said she wouldn't have gone to World's if she had known. By the way, who are the US's options to go to World's now? Mirai Nagasu, who I love, but who blew the US's chances for three spots in 2010 by finishing 11th in the long program at World's (she was first after the short)? Gracie Gold, who is completely untested? Lest anyone forget, our current #1 lady, Ashley Wagner, finished 16th at her first trip to World's. A healthy Alissa had as good a chance (maybe better) as any of these other ladies of finishing high enough to regain three spots.

  3. no need to be too bitter. If the others around her were that amazing they would have gotten ahead of her hands-down. As unfortunate as it is for the USFSA to not have 3 spots, Alissa's situation is definitely worse at the moment. There won't be 3 US women on the podium on the Olympics anyway. If indeed a dislocated hip, that's brutal. Poor Alissa.

  4. So very said. Hopefully the focus is on her health and recovery. So much more important than medals of any colour.

  5. So sad!! Back to back major injuries with that hip.

  6. I wish her a speedy recovery. She can be such a lovely skater to watch, and I hope she'll be able to recover.

  7. Love her skating! Has anyone here ever had either of those hip surgeries? How long is the normal recovery time before you could resume working out (never mind training at the elite level)? Anyone else worried that she pushed it too soon and that she is too thin? She loves modeling but put on some muscle lady! My heart does go out to her and hope she will be out of pain asap.

    1. Labral tears can be caused by underlying hip dysplasia (a genetic abnormality). I've had two surgeries to correct hip dysplasia and the recovery time is at least a year, with no guarantee that an elite athlete can perform at the level again

  8. I am so sorry to hear about Alissa's recent injury. I have always loved her beautiful skating style and how delicately she caresses the ice.
    Even with all her ups and downs in consideration, I think there is far more in play than being reduced to a 'headcase'. Far from a headcase is she.

    Alissa is a rarity these days as a skater who 'survived' the transition from the 6.0 system to the clusterfuck which is the current judging system. These days, the sky is the limit. How many points one can score is infinite, in theory, and it's destroying skaters' bodies and therefore the sport.

    Skating is not pretty for the most part these days, due in large part to the current judging system. Injury is more common than ever. Will things ever go back to what they once were? Will figures ever be appreciated and ephasized again? Or will there be new generations of phenoms blowing their hips and knees and ribs and backs out before puberty trying to eek out as many points as possible with quintuple jumps?

    Sick, sick system. Way to go.

  9. Thank God she can't kill us at worlds this year.

    1. I doubt your 'God' would care one way or the other.

  10. Oh come on guys. These comments saying that it's lucky she can't go to worlds this year are completely, utterly justified considering her past history, and most of them aren't even malicious. Yes, she is a 2 time ladies champion. With possibly the most inconsistent jump technique of any lady currently competing at her level. Does this mean that we'll let her go to Worlds and fall 7 times there, too?

    1. Okay, point by point:

      1. I don't see what's the big deal about anonymity. Despite the fact that you are commenting as "Zach," your Google profile reveals nothing about you, so I'm not sure why whether a commenter is anonymous or not is relevant.

      2. "Lucky" was not the word used by the original commenters. I was the person who commented at 6:41, and I simply paraphrased, not knowing you would latch onto that.

      3. The point that is being made is not what caused her injuries, it is that the situation is beneficial for the US to sends skaters who are not Alissa to Worlds in order to regain those 3 coveted Olympic spots.
      Of course it is regretable she is injured, but it would be equally unfortunate if a third very talented US lady misses out on an Olympic spot because the federation chose Alissa to skate. Once again, not malicious, merely practical. I see no gloating being done.

  11. Zach is a common first name. You hardly not anonymous on this thing.

    The US IS lucky Alissa can't choke away 3 spots this year. Its a fact and we are lucky.

  12. Zach, or should I say Alissa.

    Some people care about the US as a whole and want our skaters to succeed. We want them to get back to their glory years and we feel Alissa is too inconsistent to accomplish this without twenty people below her screwing up.

    She's a head case.

  13. You obviously think you are special or something Zach, I don't care who you are.

    Alissa has had many chances and she blew them all. Its time to send someone that can stand up to the pressure, Alissa can't.

    No one said, We didn't say, I am so glad she got hurt. We said what everyone in the skating community was thinking, she has had enough chances.
