Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Nastia Sticks A Bar Dismount (Senior Podium Training Videos)

Second-Time Olympian?!


Bridget Sloan

Jordyn Wieber


Brenna Dowell

EB Price

Sarah Finnegan


  1. Oof! If she can put that dismount together with her entire routine... book the bitch a ticket and a date with Price Harry in London. We might have a Jubilee of our own to celebrate!

    1. AJ told us all along. We (me included) said some nasty things to him. He was right.

    2. I love love love Nastia but I need to see that dismount after she hits a full set. But I think the Queen of Gymnastics and her Pink leo is back! :D

  2. everyone wants to date harry these days, red heads never got this much attention

    1. Not everyone. I've always wanted Prince William. He has more titles and more $$$ than Harry! He's cuter too imo. Too bad he's taken. ;o)

  3. Nastia is unlikely to score a 16 with a 16.6 D score..

  4. I got this huge surge of pride when I saw that dismount. It took her four years, but that tough girl finally learned how to do that dismount properly.

  5. Nastia's routine will be worth more when she adds back in the piked stalder and gets the cortisone shot she has left.

  6. She seems like she has so much more control over her long, long legs in that dismount. I think the weight gain/height gain was highly beneficial. She doesn't seem as gangly.

  7. Anyone know why the decision was made to cut the olympic team down from six to five girls?

    1. They wanted to add more sports to the Olympics and include more less advantaged countries' athletes but keep the total number of Olympic athletes the same (so as to not increase the burden on the host country) so some sports got trimmed. You wouldn't think that 24 gymnasts would make that much of a difference, but I guess they would have collapsed the host nation's economy to accommodate them.

      Much as I love watching sync swimming and rhythmic gymnastics every four years, I'd rather they had cut those completely out rather than reducing the artistic gymnastic numbers. Or they need to let men compete in those too--gender equality for all! (/off soapbox)

    2. They could cut syncronized diving. That'd be fine by me...

  8. I've got to admit that I'm suprised. She looks really good.

  9. Bridget's SV on bars is a 6.4.

  10. I'm not sure I'm watching the same dismount as everyone else? The landing is greatly improved, but the form is standard cowboy/duck feet. Otherwise her routine looks fabulous, Olympic worthy, great lines, beautiful toe point as usual.

  11. My God she FINALLY fixed the bent knees on the giant before her dismount. Now to git rid of the one before her ginger.

  12. These girls just look so much fitter and more stable than the Russians or Romanians. While they may not have great lines (ugh Weiber is just not pleasant to watch) except for Gabby, I'm sure the gold is theirs. Too bad for mother Russia, pretty doesn't cut it...

    1. Sarah Finnegan!!!!!!!! They're are so many artistic girls in the junior ranks. You think team USA Seniors are good, the juniors are the complete package.

  13. There once was a girl named Sarah Finnegan, Had some whiskers on her chinnigan. They fell out and they grew innagain. Now repeat again.

    1. *claps* I love limericks (And I'm not even Irish!:)- especially the naughty one Commander Data of Star Trek: The Next Generation once started to recite before he was cut off by prudish Captain Picard! The one from the man from Venus with a very unusual...well you get my drift... ;)

    2. i wonder if she gets that all the time

  14. This is Lauren from Couch Gymnast (@lchops96 on Twitter). I respectfully eat my hat before you re: Nastia. Well played.

  15. Nastia had a very messy routine and that pak will be her downfall. Putting together a half routine for the Camera's the day before Nationals does not bode well for her.
