Monday, July 2, 2012

Anderson Cooper: The Fact Is I'm Gay

Congratulations to Anderson.  He didn't even do it for ratings.  He wrote a wonderful statement explaining his decision for privacy and his now-revelation.  While it has been an open secret, Entertainment Weekly said it best when they stated that the majority of America doesn't realize he is gay.  I know a few mothers of my friends who will be weeping over this news.

The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud.


  1. Love him! Such bravery. He is a true mensch.

  2. He and Don Lemon would make a delicious couple...

  3. and WHY do we have to know this?????

    1. He just gave a long explanation. Would you prefer everyone be closeted like your husband?

    2. Try reading the link before commenting next time.

  4. I am only shocked that there are people in America who honestly did not know he was gay - is it like that South Park episode where most of Iowa is stuck in 1996?

    1. Of course there are. Probably most people in this country still think they don't know anyone who's gay. Even here in Massachusetts, where gay marriage has been chugging along happily and with majority public support for years, most people will still assume anyone they meet is straight, until they're hit on the head -- which is what Cooper did, albeit very gently. Good for him. I hope he changes an opinion or two.

  5. This was so unnecessary. I'm not gay but I can't wait until there's no need for an announcement. So what he's gay. I knew years ago. Why is this news and how come people really didn't know long time ago.

    1. It is because of this that it will one day no longer be news to people. By people coming out and it being not that salacious, it will one day not be a deal at all.
