Sarah Hughes and Timmy Goebel at FSH. Photo Credits: Lois Elfman
Figure Skating In Harlem held a gala to raise money for their important charity (up there with world hunger) and to honor Sarah Hughes and that woman Peggy Fleming always beat at US Nationals. A few skaters, like Sarah and Timmy, actually help out with the organization. Others who shall not be named lend their star power and drink free booze once a year to feel philanthropic.
Since Evan Lysacek was going to be there, Vera Wang busted her ass to get to the outdoor rink. Here she is doing some much needed cardio with Joannie Rochette.
Claudia Menendez's floor routine in podium training at Europeans.
Vera's whole family is skinny. A friend of a friend, a writer who went to the same private school as Vera, told me once that he remembers Vera's mother being very small as well.
Anyways, I don't think she gives a fuck about being nipped and tucked like many of her contemporaries in the fashion industry or in that wealthy, Manhattan circle in which she's grew up and still moves in.
She obviously has the $$$$ to go the plastic surgery route but she doesn't see the need to, and I find that admirable. But if I were her, I'd get those hereditary under-eye bags fixed, and maybe a facelift to help with sagginess from being 60.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG. That's awesome. And true. Her skeletal frame aside, WTF happened to her face?"'s called aging. It's gonna happen to all of us too someday, or rather, most of us too poor to afford good cosmetic surgery. I think it' sad that a woman can't have wrinkles or other signs of aging the way a man can in our society. An older woman with wrinkles or saggy skin can expect to have catty comments directed against her just for having the audacity to age and thus be unpresentable. Meanwhile we celebrate fake-ass celebs who indulge shitloads of money on plastic surgery in attempt to look young but just end up looking pathetically alien-like instead.
She doesn't need plastic surgery. But a trip to the nearest Duane Reade for some foundation, lipstick and undereye concealer would do her a world of good.
Vera's family may be naturally skinny, but her face shows the effects of "Manhattan skinny" (translated: STARVED skinny). Heredity and age aside, a lifetime of highly restricted eating makes one look old in the face before one's time. I've know men AND women (most of them distance runners) who look TERRIBLE in their 50s because of what they put their bodies through. Super skinny may be "the look" in the youth-oriented fashion world and the key to (temporary) success in certain sports, but it's NOT a good path to aging gracefully.
--Vera's whole family is skinny.-- Eating disorders do run in families. Vera looks terrible--forget about her face, what about her hips (or lack thereof)?
"Vera's family may be naturally skinny, but her face shows the effects of "Manhattan skinny" (translated: STARVED skinny). Heredity and age aside, a lifetime of highly restricted eating makes one look old in the face before one's time."
Do you know Vera personally and thus know her to be anorexic or have other forms of ED? Why is it that a thin woman cannot be thin without insinuations that she has an ED? She doesn't have much in facial bone structure, that's why her face sags more easily. Also, look at her build, her hip bones are narrow and small, meaning her bone structure is ectomorph in build. Compare her to truly too-skinny Western models with naturally curvy build, you'll see those girls with curvy but bony hips with no fat to cushion.
The fashion industry is both an insular one and a gossipy one. If Vera Want has an ED, there'd be stories about it by now. Fashion people have an earned reputation for being gossipy and catty. If you read industry fashion publications or even high fashion mags you'd know which designers are total druggies or who has serious health or eating disorders, or who is cheating on her spouse with a certain movie star, etc.... Let's just say that Alexander McQueen's death wasn't that surprising to fashion insiders.
Okay, I'm sick of this attacking thin people crap. Why is it socially acceptable to attack thin people or call them names or imply that they have eating disorders? So just to be equal, it's alright to also attack overweight people and call them fatties without impulse control, right? We've become so body-obsessed and yet so overweight as a nation that we now see thin or skinny people as targets for attack, or we see them as anomalies that need to be hammered down. If you're going to be all about body acceptance, then do it in a non-discriminatory fashion. Don't say it's not okay to call overweight people names then turn around to do the same to skinny people.
"Eating disorders do run in families. Vera looks terrible--forget about her face, what about her hips (or lack thereof)?"
Again, look at her build, she's small-boned just like my aunt. I'm Vietnamese-American and all of the women in my family are built pretty much straight up and down, especially evident in our hips or lack thereof. In fact, my aunt is so straight that she had to have C-sec for all her kids because her doctor told her that her hips are way too small for her to have natural childbirth. Thank god cuz her kids were all pretty good-sized babies and they would probably killed her or gotten stuck down there trying to come out of her lady parts!
Considering Vera Wang is top dog in an industry that promotes extreme thinness as the epitome of "beauty," I don't think it's much of a stretch to assume her toothpick arms and legs are the result of something other than pure heredity. EDs are pretty much the norm among women in the fashion industry, which may explain why no one in that "insular" world feels it is gossip-worthy when a chick eats nothing but lettuce leaves for lunch.
"Considering Vera Wang is top dog in an industry that promotes extreme thinness as the epitome of "beauty," I don't think it's much of a stretch to assume her toothpick arms and legs are the result of something other than pure heredity. EDs are pretty much the norm among women in the fashion industry, which may explain why no one in that "insular" world feels it is gossip-worthy when a chick eats nothing but lettuce leaves for lunch."
If it makes you feel better to think that skinny people have EDs, then more power to you.
But honestly, you make generalizations about a person based solely upon her associated group, all without knowing her personally to make such private, medical assumptions. I'm not saying you're stupid in your judgment, but that it's rather unfair to assume such things about a person just because she looks too thin or thinner than most of society. People can be naturally thin or fat, they're just outliers in a way. You have to look at people as individuals.
EDs may very well be the norm for models but not for the people who are the backbone of the fashion industry, the designer, technical people, etc....Believe me, fashion world gossips about everyone, they know everything about everyone. I once interned briefly for Donna Karan's design house so I know of that world, the good and bad parts.
Um Miuccia Prada hardly looks haggard. She's a classy Milanese woman who wears skirts and heels all of the time. She may look a bit grumpy sometimes, but she definitely does not look like a trainwreck.
If you want a proper example of a horrid looking designer, take Donatella Versace. Downright frightening at times.
Miuccia Prada dresses frumpily, which she admits in many interviews, but I love Prada's design philosophy. Their clothes aren't overtly sexual, kinda like Marc Jacobs line as well, actually both lines are known in fashion industry as "celebrations of frump" or "granny chic"
Donatella Versace is also well-known among fashion circles and those in the industry as a serious druggie. She took so much cocaine that it ate away her nose and she had to have extensive reconstruction surgery. At least that's the hard rumor within the industry.
I have to laugh at the denial of people who can't see with their own eyes that Vera has, if not a true eating disorder, "issues" with food. She had the build of a concentration camp victim! (And it isn't her "natural" build--she used to be within the normal range). They say that people with ED's can't see how thin they really are. I guess it's also true that some people can't recognize abnormal thinness when they see it in others.
When the NCAA meet is over, will you please start covering the train wreck called "Make It or Break It"? Emily Kmetko is on the verge of losing her virginity (and maybe getting preggers), and we need your snarky remarks.
Forget the weight--or lack thereof. Her hair and haggard face make her look like a Chinese peasant woman. I guess when the her body used up all 2 ounces of fat on her hips, it took what was on her face?
I guess it's true that a lot of JW fans have to hate on Vera and call her names because she's friends with Evan and not their Johnny. Strangely enough she should be friends with Johnny because of his love of all things fashion-y. On accusing her of eating disorder, what if she does have issues with food, so is it nice to call her concentration camp victim or meth addict? Would that make her want to get well from her supposed illness or are you just being mean?
What's up with this Vera Wang skinny vs. ED shit? Who the fuck cares?! Ok, she's definitely on the uber skinny side but wtf do we expect, she's in fucking fashion! Fashion mavens are supposed to be skinny, ever seen how fucking emaciated Anna Wintour's legs look in pictures? I read a book on her where the said Anna dieted throughout both her pregnancies. These women are hardcore. It's part of their job description, plus Vera prolly doesn't give a fuck what we think of her weight. Gotta give her props for staying a skinny bitch even at age 60, I mean that takes dedication, amirite? Unlike Sasha who can't even remain fat-free until 30, what an amateur.
I find the Evan/Vera relationship beyond strange. I don't remember the last time he went anywhere publicly without her. It seems beyond friendship, even beyond boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. I would assume she is very busy, who does she have all this free time to travel around with Evan? She didn't follow Michelle around and they were collaborators for years. If they are in a relationship, why are they so public yet refuse to say anything to the media?
What's so surprising here, fashion women are skinny, chefs are fat, next thing you'll be telling me that Evan is gay.
Real mystery here is why would Vera want to hag around w/ Evan. I think Vera maybe is bored w/ her career and her girls are older they don't need her presence as much. She can afford to go around with skaters in order to relive her youth or something. Shoot, if I had her money I would do just that and wouldn't work at all.
I like Vera Wang. I've been wearing Vera Wang perfume for years. You only read nice things about her in NY media, unlike some designers who are known to be bitchy or nasty, although those stories are more interesting to read.
Well, I just googled to see if there are any recent interviews with Vera Wang. She comes across as a fun person...she has a party limo and drinks vodka!
Amazing how Anonymous at 8:41 assumes it's JW fans who are spreading stories about VW due to her friendship with Evan. Johnny doesn't need Vera Wang, he is close friends with Chris Benz and did very well at fashion week without help from Vera Wang.
Vera Wang and her tag-along puppy dog Evan: "Here, Evan, sit Evan, good puppy Evan," says Vera. IMG should rethink about Evan's image as Vera's dog-on-a-leash. TOO FUCKING WEIRD!
Hey Anon 12:06 - NO ONE is making the generalization that "every skinny person has an ED." Many people are naturally skinny and look terrific. No one said Vera Wang has an ED. But if you think EDs are not a rampant problem in the fashion industry, then you've got your head in the sand. And I DOUBT a brief internship with Donna Karan makes you any more expert than anyone else on this board. All you need are two functioning eyeballs to see how much sexier and healthier tiny Joannie Rochette looks vs. the jutting hipbones look (and it's got NOTHING to do with the age difference). I realize how important it is for fashionistas to believe the ideal woman looks like an adolescent boy, but that's not how the rest of the world views it.
When Vera was shown on screen at RISE in a sleeveless drive (sideways, bones popping out), the theaters GASPED around the country. I don't think THAT runs in families. Vera didn't ALWAYS look this thin either. She has always been thin and her family is probably thin, but it looks like she is developing some sort of issue later in life.
"No one said Vera Wang has an ED. But if you think EDs are not a rampant problem in the fashion industry, then you've got your head in the sand. And I DOUBT a brief internship with Donna Karan makes you any more expert than anyone else on this board. All you need are two functioning eyeballs to see how much sexier and healthier tiny Joannie Rochette looks vs. the jutting hipbones look (and it's got NOTHING to do with the age difference). I realize how important it is for fashionistas to believe the ideal woman looks like an adolescent boy, but that's not how the rest of the world views it."
Again, the fashion industry is not only made up of models or well-connectted interns with eating issues. I think too many people base their views on fashion from movies like Devil Wears Prada. Most fashion industry professionals do not have EDs, I can only speak from personal experience working in the industry for 3 years before leaving it all together. I studied fashion design at RISD, then worked for several houses in technical positions like pattern cutter and assistant designer. We were the backbone of the industry and often put in 10-12 hours days for low salaries. Most of us made somewhere between 50-70K starting out, certainly not enough to live the high life in NYC.
The ones who are seen at glamorous parties and who are seen by public as fashionistas, those girls are usually well-connected socialites who intern for magazines or fashion houses or who dabble as stylists. They couldn't cut and sew a dress if their lives depended on it. They are the ditzy, ED-obssessed stereotypes come to life, but they are not representative of the entire fashion industry.
I finally got out of the fashion industry because I was fed up with the long hours, dealing with bullshit politics, and plus I no longer loved it. The final straw was for me when I was helping backstage at a fashion show and watched this druggie, emaciated model inject herself between her toes with heroin. I'd seen shit like that and worse before but right then and there I told myself no more.
"I guess it's true that a lot of JW fans have to hate on Vera and call her names because she's friends with Evan and not their Johnny."
Wow. Whoever wrote this is so off-base. Why does wondering or worrying about how Vera Wang looks mean that I am a fan of Johnny Weir? You know what they say about people who "assume"?
Look at Prada, Wang and Liebovitz - they're honest women and it's written all over their faces...a lost commodity in this effed-up society of ours.
We women are our own worst enemies - the harsh judging of ourselves and other women must stop for future generations of girls to be mentally sound and healthy!!
I've eaten green beans fatter than Vera Wang.
ReplyDeleteI am such a sucker for Carriere's Mr. Cellophane. Love it.
ReplyDelete"I've eaten green beans fatter than Vera Wang."
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG. That's awesome. And true. Her skeletal frame aside, WTF happened to her face?
The clothes, the face, the hat...if I didn't know any better I'd think Vera was a homeless gal with a lucky photo op.
ReplyDeleteVera's whole family is skinny. A friend of a friend, a writer who went to the same private school as Vera, told me once that he remembers Vera's mother being very small as well.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I don't think she gives a fuck about being nipped and tucked like many of her contemporaries in the fashion industry or in that wealthy, Manhattan circle in which she's grew up and still moves in.
She obviously has the $$$$ to go the plastic surgery route but she doesn't see the need to, and I find that admirable. But if I were her, I'd get those hereditary under-eye bags fixed, and maybe a facelift to help with sagginess from being 60.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG. That's awesome. And true. Her skeletal frame aside, WTF happened to her face?"'s called aging. It's gonna happen to all of us too someday, or rather, most of us too poor to afford good cosmetic surgery. I think it' sad that a woman can't have wrinkles or other signs of aging the way a man can in our society. An older woman with wrinkles or saggy skin can expect to have catty comments directed against her just for having the audacity to age and thus be unpresentable. Meanwhile we celebrate fake-ass celebs who indulge shitloads of money on plastic surgery in attempt to look young but just end up looking pathetically alien-like instead.
Forget the wrinkles. Plenty of older ladies have them and still look beautiful. What the hell is with her CLOTHES and HAIR?? It's like she's given up.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't need plastic surgery. But a trip to the nearest Duane Reade for some foundation, lipstick and undereye concealer would do her a world of good.
ReplyDeleteVera's family may be naturally skinny, but her face shows the effects of "Manhattan skinny" (translated: STARVED skinny). Heredity and age aside, a lifetime of highly restricted eating makes one look old in the face before one's time. I've know men AND women (most of them distance runners) who look TERRIBLE in their 50s because of what they put their bodies through. Super skinny may be "the look" in the youth-oriented fashion world and the key to (temporary) success in certain sports, but it's NOT a good path to aging gracefully.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with that dress Sarah is wearing (no, no). JW wore that dress.
ReplyDelete--Vera's whole family is skinny.--
ReplyDeleteEating disorders do run in families. Vera looks terrible--forget about her face, what about her hips (or lack thereof)?
"Vera's family may be naturally skinny, but her face shows the effects of "Manhattan skinny" (translated: STARVED skinny). Heredity and age aside, a lifetime of highly restricted eating makes one look old in the face before one's time."
ReplyDeleteDo you know Vera personally and thus know her to be anorexic or have other forms of ED? Why is it that a thin woman cannot be thin without insinuations that she has an ED? She doesn't have much in facial bone structure, that's why her face sags more easily. Also, look at her build, her hip bones are narrow and small, meaning her bone structure is ectomorph in build. Compare her to truly too-skinny Western models with naturally curvy build, you'll see those girls with curvy but bony hips with no fat to cushion.
The fashion industry is both an insular one and a gossipy one. If Vera Want has an ED, there'd be stories about it by now. Fashion people have an earned reputation for being gossipy and catty. If you read industry fashion publications or even high fashion mags you'd know which designers are total druggies or who has serious health or eating disorders, or who is cheating on her spouse with a certain movie star, etc.... Let's just say that Alexander McQueen's death wasn't that surprising to fashion insiders.
Okay, I'm sick of this attacking thin people crap. Why is it socially acceptable to attack thin people or call them names or imply that they have eating disorders? So just to be equal, it's alright to also attack overweight people and call them fatties without impulse control, right? We've become so body-obsessed and yet so overweight as a nation that we now see thin or skinny people as targets for attack, or we see them as anomalies that need to be hammered down. If you're going to be all about body acceptance, then do it in a non-discriminatory fashion. Don't say it's not okay to call overweight people names then turn around to do the same to skinny people.
ReplyDelete"Eating disorders do run in families. Vera looks terrible--forget about her face, what about her hips (or lack thereof)?"
ReplyDeleteAgain, look at her build, she's small-boned just like my aunt. I'm Vietnamese-American and all of the women in my family are built pretty much straight up and down, especially evident in our hips or lack thereof. In fact, my aunt is so straight that she had to have C-sec for all her kids because her doctor told her that her hips are way too small for her to have natural childbirth. Thank god cuz her kids were all pretty good-sized babies and they would probably killed her or gotten stuck down there trying to come out of her lady parts!
Considering Vera Wang is top dog in an industry that promotes extreme thinness as the epitome of "beauty," I don't think it's much of a stretch to assume her toothpick arms and legs are the result of something other than pure heredity. EDs are pretty much the norm among women in the fashion industry, which may explain why no one in that "insular" world feels it is gossip-worthy when a chick eats nothing but lettuce leaves for lunch.
ReplyDelete"Considering Vera Wang is top dog in an industry that promotes extreme thinness as the epitome of "beauty," I don't think it's much of a stretch to assume her toothpick arms and legs are the result of something other than pure heredity. EDs are pretty much the norm among women in the fashion industry, which may explain why no one in that "insular" world feels it is gossip-worthy when a chick eats nothing but lettuce leaves for lunch."
ReplyDeleteIf it makes you feel better to think that skinny people have EDs, then more power to you.
But honestly, you make generalizations about a person based solely upon her associated group, all without knowing her personally to make such private, medical assumptions. I'm not saying you're stupid in your judgment, but that it's rather unfair to assume such things about a person just because she looks too thin or thinner than most of society. People can be naturally thin or fat, they're just outliers in a way. You have to look at people as individuals.
EDs may very well be the norm for models but not for the people who are the backbone of the fashion industry, the designer, technical people, etc....Believe me, fashion world gossips about everyone, they know everything about everyone. I once interned briefly for Donna Karan's design house so I know of that world, the good and bad parts.
I just think it's hilarious that the people who supposedly dictate fashion (as if!) usually look like horrid, haggard black&white train-wrecks.
ReplyDeleteVera is a hot & sexy dog!!
ReplyDelete"I just think it's hilarious that the people who supposedly dictate fashion (as if!) usually look like horrid, haggard black&white train-wrecks."
ReplyDeleteIf you think Vera is bad, you must not know about or seen Miuccia Prada.
Um Miuccia Prada hardly looks haggard. She's a classy Milanese woman who wears skirts and heels all of the time. She may look a bit grumpy sometimes, but she definitely does not look like a trainwreck.
ReplyDeleteIf you want a proper example of a horrid looking designer, take Donatella Versace. Downright frightening at times.
Miuccia Prada dresses frumpily, which she admits in many interviews, but I love Prada's design philosophy. Their clothes aren't overtly sexual, kinda like Marc Jacobs line as well, actually both lines are known in fashion industry as "celebrations of frump" or "granny chic"
ReplyDeleteDonatella Versace is also well-known among fashion circles and those in the industry as a serious druggie. She took so much cocaine that it ate away her nose and she had to have extensive reconstruction surgery. At least that's the hard rumor within the industry.
I have to laugh at the denial of people who can't see with their own eyes that Vera has, if not a true eating disorder, "issues" with food. She had the build of a concentration camp victim! (And it isn't her "natural" build--she used to be within the normal range). They say that people with ED's can't see how thin they really are. I guess it's also true that some people can't recognize abnormal thinness when they see it in others.
ReplyDeleteWhat's most frightening about Vera's physique is that the camera adds about ten pounds.
ReplyDeleteWhen the NCAA meet is over, will you please start covering the train wreck called "Make It or Break It"? Emily Kmetko is on the verge of losing her virginity (and maybe getting preggers), and we need your snarky remarks.
ReplyDeleteForget the weight--or lack thereof. Her hair and haggard face make her look like a Chinese peasant woman. I guess when the her body used up all 2 ounces of fat on her hips, it took what was on her face?
ReplyDeleteVera has no hips, perhaps she lipoed out her fat and added a little to some baked celery chips for flavor.
ReplyDeleteJoannie is gorgeous as usual.
Vera looks like a meth addict after 30 days of rehab. Not that I know from personal experience. :p Just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteI guess it's true that a lot of JW fans have to hate on Vera and call her names because she's friends with Evan and not their Johnny. Strangely enough she should be friends with Johnny because of his love of all things fashion-y. On accusing her of eating disorder, what if she does have issues with food, so is it nice to call her concentration camp victim or meth addict? Would that make her want to get well from her supposed illness or are you just being mean?
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with this Vera Wang skinny vs. ED shit? Who the fuck cares?! Ok, she's definitely on the uber skinny side but wtf do we expect, she's in fucking fashion! Fashion mavens are supposed to be skinny, ever seen how fucking emaciated Anna Wintour's legs look in pictures? I read a book on her where the said Anna dieted throughout both her pregnancies. These women are hardcore. It's part of their job description, plus Vera prolly doesn't give a fuck what we think of her weight. Gotta give her props for staying a skinny bitch even at age 60, I mean that takes dedication, amirite? Unlike Sasha who can't even remain fat-free until 30, what an amateur.
ReplyDeleteI find the Evan/Vera relationship beyond strange. I don't remember the last time he went anywhere publicly without her. It seems beyond friendship, even beyond boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. I would assume she is very busy, who does she have all this free time to travel around with Evan? She didn't follow Michelle around and they were collaborators for years. If they are in a relationship, why are they so public yet refuse to say anything to the media?
ReplyDeleteWhat's so surprising here, fashion women are skinny, chefs are fat, next thing you'll be telling me that Evan is gay.
ReplyDeleteReal mystery here is why would Vera want to hag around w/ Evan. I think Vera maybe is bored w/ her career and her girls are older they don't need her presence as much. She can afford to go around with skaters in order to relive her youth or something. Shoot, if I had her money I would do just that and wouldn't work at all.
I like Vera Wang. I've been wearing Vera Wang perfume for years. You only read nice things about her in NY media, unlike some designers who are known to be bitchy or nasty, although those stories are more interesting to read.
ReplyDeleteWell, I just googled to see if there are any recent interviews with Vera Wang. She comes across as a fun person...she has a party limo and drinks vodka!
Amazing how Anonymous at 8:41 assumes it's JW fans who are spreading stories about VW due to her friendship with Evan. Johnny doesn't need Vera Wang, he is close friends with Chris Benz and did very well at fashion week without help from Vera Wang.
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked by how Sasha looked at this event, thought she was such a fashionista :(
ReplyDeleteVera Wang and her tag-along puppy dog Evan: "Here, Evan, sit Evan, good puppy Evan," says Vera. IMG should rethink about Evan's image as Vera's dog-on-a-leash. TOO FUCKING WEIRD!
ReplyDeleteHey Anon 12:06 - NO ONE is making the generalization that "every skinny person has an ED." Many people are naturally skinny and look terrific. No one said Vera Wang has an ED. But if you think EDs are not a rampant problem in the fashion industry, then you've got your head in the sand. And I DOUBT a brief internship with Donna Karan makes you any more expert than anyone else on this board. All you need are two functioning eyeballs to see how much sexier and healthier tiny Joannie Rochette looks vs. the jutting hipbones look (and it's got NOTHING to do with the age difference). I realize how important it is for fashionistas to believe the ideal woman looks like an adolescent boy, but that's not how the rest of the world views it.
ReplyDeleteWhen Vera was shown on screen at RISE in a sleeveless drive (sideways, bones popping out), the theaters GASPED around the country. I don't think THAT runs in families. Vera didn't ALWAYS look this thin either. She has always been thin and her family is probably thin, but it looks like she is developing some sort of issue later in life.
"No one said Vera Wang has an ED. But if you think EDs are not a rampant problem in the fashion industry, then you've got your head in the sand. And I DOUBT a brief internship with Donna Karan makes you any more expert than anyone else on this board. All you need are two functioning eyeballs to see how much sexier and healthier tiny Joannie Rochette looks vs. the jutting hipbones look (and it's got NOTHING to do with the age difference). I realize how important it is for fashionistas to believe the ideal woman looks like an adolescent boy, but that's not how the rest of the world views it."
ReplyDeleteAgain, the fashion industry is not only made up of models or well-connectted interns with eating issues. I think too many people base their views on fashion from movies like Devil Wears Prada. Most fashion industry professionals do not have EDs, I can only speak from personal experience working in the industry for 3 years before leaving it all together. I studied fashion design at RISD, then worked for several houses in technical positions like pattern cutter and assistant designer. We were the backbone of the industry and often put in 10-12 hours days for low salaries. Most of us made somewhere between 50-70K starting out, certainly not enough to live the high life in NYC.
The ones who are seen at glamorous parties and who are seen by public as fashionistas, those girls are usually well-connected socialites who intern for magazines or fashion houses or who dabble as stylists. They couldn't cut and sew a dress if their lives depended on it. They are the ditzy, ED-obssessed stereotypes come to life, but they are not representative of the entire fashion industry.
I finally got out of the fashion industry because I was fed up with the long hours, dealing with bullshit politics, and plus I no longer loved it. The final straw was for me when I was helping backstage at a fashion show and watched this druggie, emaciated model inject herself between her toes with heroin. I'd seen shit like that and worse before but right then and there I told myself no more.
i just think VW looks like a bobble-headed ringwraith, and i feel like i need to feed her.
ReplyDelete"I guess it's true that a lot of JW fans have to hate on Vera and call her names because she's friends with Evan and not their Johnny."
ReplyDeleteWow. Whoever wrote this is so off-base. Why does wondering or worrying about how Vera Wang looks mean that I am a fan of Johnny Weir? You know what they say about people who "assume"?
Can you see honesty in a woman's face?
ReplyDeleteLook at Prada, Wang and Liebovitz - they're honest women and it's written all over their faces...a lost commodity in this effed-up society of ours.
We women are our own worst enemies - the harsh judging of ourselves and other women must stop for future generations of girls to be mentally sound and healthy!!