Friday, June 1, 2012

USA Gymnastics Responds to Memmel Petition Controversy

President Tool has responded to the criticism of denying Chellsie Memmel's petition to the U.S. Championships.  He does not comment about having asked her to retire during their "lengthy discussions about her future."   Unfortunately, Martha Karolyi does not comment.  She is too overcome with grief and puddles of tears.

"Throughout the years, Chellsie has demonstrated her talent, tenacity and iron will on her way to becoming one of the top five most decorated U.S. women gymnasts in history. Chellsie has overcome many adversities in her career, providing inspiration to many young gymnasts, and has played an integral part in the USA's success on and off the field of play during those years. Chellsie has always been a great ambassador for our sport, and we celebrate and appreciate her many accomplishments.

"I recognize that Chellsie's many fans are upset that she will not be competing next week. I understand and admire the outpouring of support that Chellsie has received, and for the most part, her fans have been polite and respectful in expressing their thoughts about the circumstances. Decisions like this are never easy, especially in an Olympic year.

"During the past week, USA Gymnastics has had several discussions with Chellsie about her goals and desires to stay involved in the sport and are exploring many of those options. We look forward to having Chellsie continue to be an important part of the USA Gymnastics family."


  1. He is SUCH a tool. I'm so over supporting USA Gymnastics. What can be done to expose the hypocrisy of this organization? This matter cannot die.

  2. If Nastia had fallen and her petition denied people would be singing the high praises of USAG for not showing favoritism. There would be no petitions, no boycotts, no outpouring of love and everyone would say that no one, no matter who you are, deserves to get a free pass.

    I do think Chellsie should be at nationals, but replace Chellsie with Nastia in this situation and people would be citing this petition denial as a good thing.

    1. I think you're 100% right on that.

    2. I know I'd be suppoirting Nastia although I really don't like her, just because I think the olympic/world AA champion has earned the right to be treated differently. However I think you're 100% right but I also think there is no way Nastia's petition would have been denied

    3. 'if Nastia had fallen'. Well she didn't. Liukin did her job. She hit and moved on to Nationals. Memmel fell off twice and offered Marta the perfect excuse to keep her out of Nationals. Don't blame Liukin for that which imo is what every one who brings Nastia up is doing in order to assuage their feelings about Chellsie. Liukin had nothing to do with Memmel's fail on beam.

  3. That's so hypothetical. What makes you think she'd be denied?

  4. Nastia was ON THE SELECTION COMMITTEE and is Marta's pet. Of course her petition would have been accepted even if she scored a 11 on beam. That's why USAG sucks.

    1. She was not on the committee, she was replaced by Terin. You should check your facts before you make a point

    2. Anon meant that she was on in the past. Simmer down.

  5. The Nastia comparison is getting tired. She hit after three years off. Chellsie didn't after eight months.

    1. Same thing could be said about Chellsie last year. She was out for a while, and she hit on ALL FOUR events then.

    2. The past is gone and irrelevant to Marta. Chellsie didn't hit when it counted THIS year.

  6. This isn't a charity event people, these three meets are meant to determine the Olympic team. Cuts have to be made

    Casey Jo was in the exact same position as Chellsie, didn't attend camps and failed to meet the requirements so her petition was denied. I don't see anyone crying foul

    Let's be honest, 60% of the team is decided. Jordyn, Aly and Gabby. These three meets are meant to A)Reinforce that these girls are ready and B) Pick the final two spots

    Chellsie and Casey Jo weren't showing readiness to fit in spots #4 and #5 so they were cut. It's cold but it's reality

    1. I think you're right in the assessment. Decisions HAVE to begin and unfortunately Chellsie's was the most famous name not to make the cut. She's just the first of even more famous name/s to come imo.

  7. Chellsie and Casey Jo are not the same. Not even close. Casey Jo is new to the elite scene, and has not contributed to the USA winning world and Olympic titles.
    I do believe that if decisions are being made on a case-by-case basis, as they so obviously are, Chellsie deserves special treatment. She is in that elite club alongside Nastia and Shawn, who DO deserve to be honored for their contributions to our sport. Casey Jo, Anna Li, etc have not earned that special treatment.

    1. Chellsie and Nastia received special consideration by being allowed to compete on just one event. Nastia hit and moved on. Chellsie didn't. It's brutal but the cuts have to begin somewhere. The team has to be named at the Olympic Trials. I personally would have wanted Chellsie's petition granted to Marta and Co. didn't see it that way. That's life. They're in charge and there's nothing one can do but accept it or wallow in anger and bitterness. In a month (or less) this won't even be a blip in the grand scheme of things. Chellsie has shown a great deal of class these past few days. She said life goes on. It does indeed.

    2. Ah but we CAN and HAVE done something about this. We voiced our opposition via massive petition and by contacting USAG individually. Will that save Chellsie? No. But it has sent a very clear message to USAG that this kind of closed-door authoritative decision-making isn't good for the face of USAG. And, my favorite part, is that the situtatuion has exposed Mr. Tool for what a completely inept shitbag he really is. Calling Andy and asking for Chelsie's retirement? UNFORGIVABLE.

    3. Penny was an incredible asshole for asking Chellsie to retire. But I'm willing to guess he took that online petition and threw in the garbage-if he even bothered to read it. He was never going to undermine Marta's decision.

  8. Also, I urge anyone who has been outraged with USAG's decision regarding Chellsie to keep at it. I just emailed Steve Penny:
    Dear Mr. Penny:
    I am writing regarding the recent decision to deny Chellsie Memmel's petition to nationals.
    I have been following the story since the Secret competition, and I have to say that your recent statement was deeply disappointing to me.
    I have been a longtime fan of USA Gymnastics, and a spokesperson in my community for our sport. I participated in gymnastics as an athlete, then coach and judge, and have used my social network to promote viewership for national competitions, as well as local sanctioned competitions.
    I was hoping that you and USAG would use this opportunity to make a positive statement for the sport. Women's gymnastics is a sport that has always seemed shrouded in secrecy and politics. This secrecy, along with the recent changes to the code and scoring, have created a sport that has become less than fan-friendly. This Chellsie situation was a priceless opportunity for USAG. The fans-- hardcore and not-- galvanized to support Chellsie. This was, and still could be, an opportunity for USAG to create a positive relationship and camaraderie with fans. If we gymnastics supporters felt like we could be heard, it would be a terrific opportunity to create brand and sport loyalty. Instead, we are told that what the fans want doesn't matter, that decisions can be made according to whatever rules the committee decides to apply to each situation, and that, most importantly, Chellsie will not be given the opportunity she so deserves. This makes the sport even less approachable and appealing.

    I understand that no sport can be governed by committee (in this case by USAG and the fans), but I don't believe it would set an intolerable precedent to allow fans to feel confidence in their sport's governing body and let them know they've been heard. In fact, I believe this gesture of goodwill would go far in creating longtime USAG fans.
    Of course, at the heart of this matter is the issue we fans are concerned with. Please be just and allow Chellsie to compete at nationals. Just think of the positive spin the media could put on this comeback story, rather than the bitter taste we've all been left with.
    With Respect,

  9. Nastia showed up to one camp when the media was going to be there. Nastia has not competed in 3 years. Chellsie was a member of the National team LAST YEAR, a position she earned by competing at Nationals last year. Nastia was given a free pass to the National team ion a secret camp where she didn't do a good job. The report was she looked like shit.

    People are so stupid on this blog.

    1. Grow up. Liukin may have looked 'like shit' as some rumor-mongers (no doubt Nastia-haterz) said but she most certainly did not look it at Classics after a 3 year layoff. Show some class like Chellsie and stop bashing on Liukin who had nothing to do with Memmel's 2 falls off of beam or her eventual exclusion from Nationals. Chellsie said she's moving on-you should too.

    2. Nastia's beam routine is so fucking lame. The only daring skill in the routine she didn't even go for. And I'm pretty sure that 2 1/2 dismount is an injury waiting to happen. I love Nastia but I am sick and tired of people saying she showed up and hit some spectacular routine when she didn't even make a single connection.

    3. As 'lame' as you think Liukin's beam was it got her to Nationals and likely will get her to Trials. She got further than Memmel. Memmel fell twice but go ahead and blame Liukin for that too if it makes you feel better. By the Olympics no one is going to care who didn't make the cut. It'll be old news by then.

  10. I must add however that Steve Penny was an incredible A$$ to have the audacity to suggest to Chellsie Memmel that she retire. How disrespectful of a gymnast who did so much for USAG in the course of her career.

  11. Good grief-did Casey steal your bunny rabbit or something? Sheesh..

  12. USA Gymnastics is doing Chellsie a favor. Neither Chellsie nor her father know when to stop. 2 surgeries in the last year? By the time she is 40 she is going to need joint and bone replacements all over her body because of all the abuse she continue to put it through. If she isn't putting up decent numbers now, she is never going to make a 5 person team. Be smart kid.

    1. I have to agree with you on this. Chellsie's shoulder popping out in the middle of a bar routine should have been the signal to Andy and Chellsie that it was time to call it a great career and move on with their lives.

  13. I personally think this whole controversy shouldn't even have anything to do with her performance at Classic. She should have all ready qualified to Nationals based on making the Pan Am Team which would've been on the same level as Sacramone. The reason for not competing was injury. The unfortunate difference here in the way things are handled between gymnasts is the simple fact that Chellsie doesn't play the game...she doesn't attend the training camps. Even if she had showed up to just a couple of them I think she would have been in a better position to receive their good graces.

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