Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This and That

The new cover of Sports Illustrated.  NBC has a promo running with all of their nicknames.  These girls will be everywhere between now and the end of the year.  They will earn 100-500k on the post-Olympic tour depending on results.

John Geddert has been named head coach of the women's gymnastics team.

How Olympic sponsorship has changed over the years.

An interesting interview with Gennady Elfimov about Komova and the women's competition.

Rodionenko discusses the decision to keep the Russians training in Moscow until July 21 and how they are preparing for the acclimation.

Grant Hochstein's new short program to La Califfa.

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Dominique Dawes on MSNBC


  1. My God, Dawes is beautiful.

  2. Am I the only one that is slightly worried with all the hype surrounding the US team? It's only going to get more intense until team finals and I feel like at some point at least one of them if not more is going to crack from the pressure.

    1. no I'm worried too, about the hype surrounding them as a team and mainly about the hype surrounding Maroney. I could live without US as olympic champs but this girl deserves to win vault and I'd hate to see a deja vu of what happened to Cheng at 2008. I'm also afraid Aly and Gabby (maybe Jordyn too) will be kind of shocked after the scores they receive in prelims but hopefully it won't affect them much

    2. You act like Gabby & Aly (and Jordyn) haven't been scored at an international competition before. Pray tell, how exactly you know the Olympics scoring will be much harsher than what they've been experiencing for the past 1-2 years? Jordyn seemed to fair just fine at last years worlds, you know, winning the all around. If she loses this year I don't think its going to be because her scores will be "shocking", it'll be because A. its gonna be a tight race and B. some people have higher start values than her.

      I think you're gonna be surprised when the girls aren't shocked over their prelims scores. These are good girls who know what they're doing and have competed in front of international judges several times before. Save your speculation and get a crystal ball because thats the only way this opinion can hold any water until the competition actually starts July 29th.

    3. I totally believe the opposite. All the cracking, physical and mental, took place at and coming into Trials (Memmel, Johnson, Bross, Liukin, Vega, Sloan). Now that the hard part is over, making the team, the girls can focus on the details of their routines, building team unity, and steeling themselves mentally for the competitions. I think Marta and the coaches learned from the mistakes of 2008, and are pretty in touch with keeping the girls rested, relaxed, on task, focused and most likely sheltered from the distractions from the hype, hoopla and paparazzi. Geddert as head coach seems particularly well suited to help manage the mental game among the girls. And finally, four of the five experienced very similar heat at the World Championships and were able to find their individual happy places well enough not just to win, but to crush.

    4. @7:31
      Thank you.

  3. Well supposedly Price is already injured & only did ub at their mock meet. Oh & marta is on Jordyn to lose lbs.

    1. Jordyn looks like she's carrying more muscle than she needs. I think that's a big part of the reason her bars looks so heavy and labored. Obviously she's a fit, strong young woman, but I think shedding 5 or so pounds of extra weight (note, I am acknowledging that is mostly going to be muscle -- the girl can't be more than 6% body fat as she is right now) will help lighten up her skills a bit.

    2. I don't know why they want them so skinny. They already weigh practically nothing for their height and age. They should stop making them do so much conditioning, which is making them muscular and bulky looking, if they want skinny gymnasts. The Karoli's are notorious for having the most bulky muscular gymnasts: Kim Zmeskal, Keri Strug, Dominique Moceanu. That's why the Americans are so good at vault and tumbling. You can't have it both ways. I'm also afraid that the stress of weight loss and all of the reps they're having them do in addition to anticipation of the actual Olympic games will be too much. This is why Marta has not won team gold since she's been at the helm. They need to get rid of her. I hope Jordyn doesn't listen to her.

    3. And you know this because of some spurious post on a now defunct website?

    4. @anon, 11.32 a.m.:
      If Jordyn is at 6 percent bodyfat, "shedding 5 or so pounds of extra weight" will only help lighten her pancaked body on the mat to make it easier for the medics to peel it up off of the floor to carry her to the ambulance. It sounds as if you should get a job as photo editor at Glamour magazine.

    5. @Anonymous July 18, 2012 2:07 PM
      The Karolyis aren't responsible for Jordyn's bulk. Nor Aly's. That is their respective coaches doing. I think they were both over-trained with weights. Karolyi gymnasts Zmeskal, and Strug were NEVER this bulky or muscular. Dominque Moceanu was a TINY, SHAPELESS little girl when she trained under the Karolyis. she only got bigger after she left them-and the sport too for a time. She grew up.

    6. @ Margaret Tudor
      Bullshit. Jordyn and Aly's builds are not the result of over training with weights by their coaches. Athletes such as Ross, Maroney, Vega, and others have all undergone similar intensity, volume and duration of workouts as these girls. The difference in builds is an expression of their genetic differences. Muscle fiber type, hormone levels and relative abundance of proteins such as myostatin among others all contribute to different phenotypes. Elite gymnasts all have extraordinarily high relative strength profiles, and virtually all primarily from bodyweight training where higher loads are the result of changing the leverage.

    7. aren't those big broads are also the oldest? i think the karolyi's might not create but promote the bulky look as a trademark of american gymnatics, as a reaction against the russian look.

  4. I don't think they will crack under pressure. They are more at risk of being overconfident and complacent. That is worse and will cause them to make mistakes. I just hope no one gets hurt but Jordyn has looked like she's close to breaking physically. I pray for these girls...

    1. True. I think both scenarios could happen. I would argue their the overwhelming favorites but their competition isn't like what it was (or lack thereof) in Tokyo. Combine that with what I'm sure will be some kind of shock in regards to scoring, it'll be interesting to see how team finals plays out.

      If Price is already injured, while unfortunate I can't say I'm surprised. This is how Martha works. I wouldn't be surprised if someone else got injured. Hopefully not though.

      Jordyn has looked different since American Cup. I definitely think she had some kind of growth spurt. I'm not surprised she's looking bulkier. She's 17 now and I wouldn't be surprised if her body did more significant changing post Olympics.

    2. Why do people keep saying they'll be "shocked" by international scores? You are aware that all of these girls have competed internationally before, right? Four of them were at Worlds. Five, if you include Anna. They're probably fully aware that domestic competitions have inflated scores. They're not exactly new to the world of competitive gymnastics.

  5. Just great. The breaking has commenced. And I'm not surprised that Jordyn has been ordered to trim-down, either - she has looked a little bulkier this year.

    Watching that BBC piece on Olympic sponsorship reminds me of a recent comment Greg Louganis made about how much Mary Lou hogged the post-Olympic sponsorships. It seems that sponsors were so laser-locked onto Mary Lou's marketability that there were only a few crumbs left over for Greg (and other successful Olympic athletes, presumably). I have thought for a long time that this is the reason why Bart Conner could barely hide his resentment of her during his commentary of the 1985 American Cup, and during the later events that they co-commentated.

    Interesting - I live in Atlanta - and I don't think I had heard the Coca-Cola conspiracy-theory regarding how Atlanta procured the '96 games. Honestly, I believe that could have very well have had something to do with it. It has stricken me as a little suspicious how Atlanta beat out other cities that were much more "world class", and in much better position to accommodate the massive scale of an Olympics. Just think about Atlanta in 1990, especially - back then, Atlanta was a kind-of a regional backwater compared to the likes of London, NYC, L.A., Tokyo, etc.. I've always thought that Atlanta could have been just as guilty as Salt Lake City - if not more - in all of that illegal schmoozing of the IOC.

  6. That photo on sports illustrated is exactly why gymnastics is big in the USA. Canada, has never and probably would never think of profiling a gymnast or gymnastic team, on a national magazine cover. Too bad. If they did get that kind of exposure maybe our team could afford a better program.

  7. I wonder why they chose Geddert as head coach over, say, Chow--not that it really matters. I'm just curious about the decision process.

    1. Jo is doing all four in team finals, just like she did at worlds and Geddert was head coach there as well. Chow was head coach in Beijing and Shawn also did all 4 events

      The coaches will switch in and out anyways

    2. I was wondering about the decision of Geddert over Chow as well. Gabby will be doing all 4 events in Team Finals.

    3. NO, Gabby will not be doing beam and hopefully Mckayla can knock her out of the floor lineup, but that is less of a certainty

  8. Michael Jordan says no

  9. Phelps was on the cover of the Olympic issue in 2008. Didn't hurt him any.

  10. Yes, I was just thinking that. While there are obviously some exceptions to the curse, there have been enough horrible things happen to people featured on the cover that I'm nervous for them now.

    1. I hope the US girls do well and get a team medal. But I'm sorry but I can't root for this team over a team like Russia. There are only three girls on the US team I even find "watchable" and two of them aren't even doing the Amanar.

      In contrast you have the Russians who have a beautiful team. I'd love to see the Russians pull off that gold medal... It would restore my hope in the sport. Of course they probably will win but the rumored Russian ugprades are given me more and more hope. IF they manage thoser three Amanars than if anything the advantage goes to Russia-who will outscore the US big time on bars...

    2. Russians = Headcasing, anxious, injured, poor technique. I think US will grab this one. Also their vaulting is highly suspect. So while they may score higher on bars, we will undoubtedly out-vault them. May the best team win.

    3. Exactly. The fact that Mustafina is going to chuck an amanar in London is very disturbing. And I wouldn't call the entire Russian team "watchable" especially Komova's and Mustafina's, um, interesting music choices for floor.

    4. The US should win because gymnastics is about power and strength not beauty. Weiber and Aly may be ugly yo watch but they deserve to win if they are consistent and deliver. In fact they should get rid of choreography and music for floor and just have the girls do skill after skill. That's the way gymnastics should be. Go USA

    5. 'Gymnastics' is about power and strength but ARTISTIC Gymnastics which is the name of the sport IS about power, GRACE, strength, AND beauty. Jordyn and Aly aren't the entire U.S. team. McKayla, Gabby, and Kyla are lovely to watch on their best events as is Sarah Finnegan the team alternate. I love the Russians too but gymnasts like Mustafina have their faults too, Komova is capable of headcasing on beam and I wouldn't exactly call Team alternate Nabieva the epitome of grace and beautiful gymnastics.

    6. I am just an old fashion American with two daughters in the NCAA division I schools..I want USA to win!

    7. The whole artistry debate is ridiculous. At this point in time, the COP does not reward artistry the way it once did. Why would gymnasts and coaches waste their time going above and beyond with extra ballet classes, unique choreography etc., when those things aren't going to be rewarded in the actual competition? I agree that artistry is lacking, but we need to blame it on the CODE and on people like Bruno Grandi, NOT the gymnasts. Sorry, but I'd rather be slightly less artistic and have a gold medal, than look like a ballerina and have nothing.

    8. @ AnonymousJuly 19, 2012 2:20 PM
      This! The sport continues to evolve. Looking back, Nadia's 10s were very artistic, but her routines today would be considered a warmup for most level 9s and 10s. The women are much stronger and more powerful today than ever before, and the training involved to learn the skills is relegating the artistic bits to the background. Personally, I don't have any problems with that.

  11. Oh no. Where did you hear Elizabeth Price was injured? That will be an utter shame for her. I'm sure the Karolyi dictatorship is working her way more than she is used to. As far as McKayla, does that girl ever get off Twitter? I'm surprised cell phones and social media are allowed at the Ranch. I think she needs to stop taking constant pictures of herself and go practice sticking her vault. Hopefully Martha doesn't break these girls before London.

    1. All McKayla has to do is vault and she knows it. She's probably doing 1/4 of the work that everyone else is doing. Marta would pull an alternate before she put her on any other event. As for Elizabeth, I know her mother is pissed. Have you ever seen that woman? I bet even Marta doesn't want to face her after Elizabeth's injury. If the US doesn't win team gold this year they really need to walk Marta Karoli and put someone else over USA gymnastics.

    2. Yea. Let's just get rid of the Karolyi's because they didn't let Moceanu eat a freaking candy bar! Everybody knows US was a superpower in gymnastics long before the Karolyi's came into power. Throw the communist bums out. Thanks for getting us this far, but we'll take it from here, Gymnastholes!

  12. talk to jill kinmont or the chick that crashed her plane going to worlds in 1961. Phelps was cursed by the bong hits he did after he was on the cover of sports illustrated.

  13. Price was injured before trials. Not Martha's fault.

    1. NO Price was not injured before trials. Not in the least.

    2. how do people even know she is injured? are you just spreading rumours? where is the proof? and stop blaming Marta. its a tough sport, people get injured.

    3. Right, Russia is gimping into London and no one is calling for Alexandrov's head

    4. Holy crap. If any of the girls on the team experienced 1/10th the stress level exhibited in most of these posters' comments, they might as well just head back home right now. Marta's breaking athletes! Jordyn has to go to fat camp! Jordyn and Aly won't get more than 5.0 E scores! The plane/hotel/bus/elevator the girls are on will crash in flames because they were on the SI cover! FFS, try a little mental Margarita why don't you.

    5. Lol, Anon 7:49 I wish there was a 'like' button for your comment...

    6. Margaritas sound like a FAB idea right now! Also, the Olympics haven't even started yet... can we save the mental breakdowns for post-TF disappointment? Stop lowering expectations to the point where we will all be relieved if even half the team shows up only half paralyzed. These bitches are fierce (though, their gymnastics is sometimes labored and fugly). Instead lets talk about which of these girls is gonna get knocked up in foggy Londontown... (My money is on Maroney, that girl always looks like she's up to no good.)

      Also, if you talk any of the previous statement seriously, my trolling work is complete tonight. Another Margarita for me!

    7. @AnonymousJuly 18, 2012 7:59 PM

      Well put!! *Applauds*

  14. Anon 2:19
    Maroney is training all 4 events, not "probably doing 1/4 of the work as everyone else."

    Maroney will be competing FX in London as well as VT.

    Don't forget, Maroney trains a 2nd vault. So if your own logic makes any kind of sense (which it doesn't)...then Maroney is doing double the amount of work on vault as everyone else is...

  15. It is ridiculous to think that Jill Kinmont was paralyzed or that Laurence Owens and the entire U.S. delegation that were all killed on the flight that crashed enroute to the 1961 World Figure Skating Championships just because they both were on the covers of Sports Illustrated. Who else is that magazine suppose to feature? Some total unknowns off the street? It's COMMON SENSE that their cover girls and boys are the famous or soon to be famous. What an obsurd notion to think anyone would be paralyzed or perish in a plane crash (along with innocent bystanders) just for being on a magazine cover. Now I've heard every thing. *roll eyes*

  16. Have any of you all ever read "Little Girls in Pretty Boxes" or "Off Balance". Yes, the Karoli's produce Olympic athletes, but why are you defending them when there are reports of wrong-doing? Betty Okino and Kim Zmeskal reported that at the 1992 Olympics they were both being starved and someone from USA gymnastics had to sneak fruit into their hotel room for them to eat. They weren't even allowed to eat FRUIT. So, yes I can believe Marta put Jordyn on a diet. That info is consistent with previous reports.

  17. I really hope those aren't their Olympic team leotards. I'm really sick of almost every country wearing red. Couldn't USA for once focus on the blue color that's on our flag? Or maybe do gold for the bald eagle. I don't know, but something different.

  18. I am just saying this, before the influx, of international coaches coming to a America to train your gymnasts a medal was rare if not void. Stop complaining about Marta, those coaches have shaped and put your country on the international scene as medalists. You should be thanking those coaches for introducing a program that allowed your girls to compete in a heavily European dominated sport. I would imagine they allowed for a method of training to be introduced now for the non foreign coaches to model after. The success that the Karoyli's have created for America is phenomenal. You have the pleasure of having one the world's best,highly prized, decorated gymnast's coaches, and you are all complaining?????? They are leaving a legacy behind of future coaches, ie: Zmeskal. They have done your country more good than harm.They set up a national epicentre, a program to follow, and a way to train and bring a team together. They provide a immensely insane pressure pot so that when the gymnasts do hit the Olympics they do well under the pressure. Did you not see our countries pathetic trials??? Hello, our girls will be shell shocked just to even be in the arena. Give your head a shake your girls for many Olympics have been prepared to be medal contenders and have won. You should stop bitching about the "poor methods,and hard coaches" Give me a break.

    1. Um...Steve Nuno trained Shannon Miller, the most decorated American gymnast ever. Kelly Hill trained Dominique Dawes and Elise Ray, both Olympic gymnasts who obviously have done very well in life and don't have any tell-all books about abuse. Hill was an Olympic coach during the games when Bela Karoli was first put back in a box because he was too exuberant and was bothering the gymnasts. By the way, the US girls who have won the all-around gold since Mary Lou have NOT been trained by the Karoli's. The Karoli's have certainly made their contribution, but others have too. I believe that it was the total package of several coaches from around the US that contributed to the team gold in 1996.

  19. Point taken, but whose ranch do they go to for their team training? My point is that they helped transformed your whole system, not just individual gymnasts or coaches.
    I was not eliminating other coaches, but pointing out what they have done for the sport of gymnastics in America as a whole. Other, countries would have welcomed them to transform their programs as well. If Marta is responsible for the most part for picking a choosing teams, then she has done your country a service. They may have had methods, not seen or readily accepted here at first, but probably are toned down now. Of course they would have taken what methods worked in Romania and tried to use them in the USA, and then realized they would have to be modified. All I am saying is they have done your country good.

  20. Following the 1996 Olympics, the Károlyis retired from coaching. However, three years later, Béla returned to the public eye when he was named the National Team Coordinator for the U.S. women's gymnastics team. His approach was protested and resisted by both the national team gymnasts and their coaches, who, by the 2000 Olympics, were so frustrated and unhappy that they spoke about the situation publicly.

    In 2001, on the recommendation of the U.S. national team coaches, the position was handed over to Márta.[5] While she maintained some aspects of Béla's original program, her approach has been different, and generally more acceptable, to the gymnasts and their coaches. It has also yielded impressive competitive results: between 2001 and 2008, American women have won a combined total of Forty-four medals in World Championship and Olympic competition.[6]

    As coordinator, Márta oversees all aspects of the women's national team. Among her duties are selecting athletes for competitions, determining apparatus lineups at the meets, and making recommendations about skills and routine compositions. The Károlyis' daughter Andrea is the nutritionist for the team.

    Taken from Wikipedia.

    1. Yes, I know this. I was a junior myself in the 1990s. I don't need to read a wikipedia entry on what happened because I was a member of the US Gymnastics Association and followed the news from the inside of the gymnastics community. You should know that there are many gymnasts and parents who are against the abuse of gymnasts by coaches like Bela Karoli and that is why they have toned down. It is because we have spoken out and I'm not going to stop speaking my mind. This is America, free speech is our foundation. If you want a coach for your country that will starve and verbally abuse your gymnasts and you think that will be the best way to put your gymnastics program on the map then go get yourself one.

  21. So how bad was the nutrition under bela? no fruit? what else??

  22. Wow You really have a personal chip on your shoulder! You really are missing the point. You really can't see the forest for the trees. I am sure Bela is not the only abusive coach out there, nor would I stand for his abuse, but, overall, (the program in a broad sense) they have put into place has helped gymnastics excel in your country. Obviously you are so caught up in your "free speech" your brain cannot comprehend what the whole point of the original comment was. I never said his personal abuses could or should be accepted.......I have been inside a gym you know, with coaches from Romania, and other former eastern block countries. They have a demanding demeanor and a gruff tone. They are different in nature and the way they demand gymnasts to work. That being said I would not stand for abuse or allow my child to be abused for the sake of gymnastics. Besides, you clearly don't understand the ramifications, or the huge transition your country has taken since the entry of the Karoyli's , Mary Lou etc. Before that, besides, Kathy Johnson, Tracee Talavera,and Julianne McNamara, there was not much depth.
    Get your head out of your ass, and try to stretch your brain beyond your "free speech" propaganda and look at the big picture.
    The problem was not only Karoly's abusive methods but the parents sitting in the parents waiting room allowing it to happen so their kids could be the next Mary Lou, yes that is harsh, but true.

  23. You don't have your facts straight. The Karolyis aren't the reason the 96 team won. That was MLT and Kelli Hill. Period. Then you have coaches like Nunno, Chow, Liukin, Geddert... plenty of people that relied on the Karolyis for NOTHING.

    I have read some whacked out shit on gymnastics sites, but your comments about "praise Martha and Bela... grovel in thanks" are deranged. Bela consistently stole gymnasts from coaches and was only successful with a handful (Zmeskal, Moceanu, MLR). If he and Martha had a superior model for coaching, they would have produced far more individual champions. And they haven't. End of story.

  24. They have produced the most individual champions/olympians of anyone in the US. If they didn't have a successful model for coaching, every other model in the US sucks.

  25. You just don't get it. I am not talking solely on the 96 Olympics.I never said they were the reason they won. YOUR WHOLE PROGRAM. The way Gymnastics USA is run. They revolutionized the way things were done.They woke up the USA to the sport of gymnastics which had never been done. I am not talking individual gymnasts, or individual programs...the whole system as a whole.None of the individual coaches or their gymnasts you named changed the outlook or the face of gymnastics in the USA the way the Karolyi's did. They themselves had their own champions along with the others.Sure Steve Nunno produced an excellent gymnast but he alone did not have the same impact on the country the way Karolyi did.Nor did Kelly Hill. You must be too young to understand the whole before and after the way things were done, politically,and fundamentally. You are focusing on individual people in and amongst themselves. USA gymnastics today as an ORGANIZATION would not be what it is without their input........boy you sure have a hate on for them. Clearly, you have personal issues with these people and it is evident that you are unlikely to see any other persons perspective other than your own.People do make horrible mistakes. Horrible mistakes were made in his gym. He is not alone, in that arena by any way shape or form. But whether you can see it or not his and his wife's influence has surely helped your country rise to the top of the gymnastics world. Oh and you forgot,Betty Okino, Hilary Grivich and Kerri Strug, oh, and that famous 6 pack.Not to mention,Phoebe Mills, (bronze medal) Chelle Stack,and Brandy Johnson were on that 1988 Olympic team. I was around to watch the 1984 Olympics too, I with my own eyes have seen the transformation that has overtaken USA gymnastics. I have been around for a while and don't need to look at "whacked out shit" on gymnastics sites. I knew who Marcia Frederick, Julianne McNamara, Cathy Rigby (Stayfree adds to boot), Tracee Talavera, Kathy Johnson,Liz Crandal, Melissa Marlowe(poster on my wall and a copy of IG at my nightstand table) and all those other girls were , before you were even born. I am no fool.

  26. "
    Exactly. The fact that Mustafina is going to chuck an amanar in London is very disturbing. And I wouldn't call the entire Russian team "watchable" especially Komova's and Mustafina's, um, interesting music choices for floor."

    Because Raisman's Amanar isn't chucked. And who cares if you like floor music choice or not. I'm not necessarily in love with their music choice, although I think Aliya's might be improved. But even with the terrible music choice both girls have GORGEOUS lines... take a picture at times and you will see Komova hitting beautiful poses same with Aliya...And then their are the other events. And then there's beam where when they aren't wobbling they truly hit some beautiful movements.

    In contrast in beam finals at worlds last year, I was struck by one thing. How Raisman and Wieber were so completely devoid of grace and line that even the Romanians completely out shined them. Yes in comparision to freaking ROMANIA they are artistically devoid. That's how bad the situation is...And its not about perfect build. You can freaking point your toes and have extension. Raisman is literally unwatchable for me on 3 events....

    'Gymnastics' is about power and strength but ARTISTIC Gymnastics which is the name of the sport IS about power, GRACE, strength, AND beauty. Jordyn and Aly aren't the entire U.S. team. McKayla, Gabby, and Kyla are lovely to watch on their best events as is Sarah Finnegan the team alternate. I love the Russians too but gymnasts like Mustafina have their faults too, Komova is capable of headcasing on beam and I wouldn't exactly call Team alternate Nabieva the epitome of grace and beautiful gymnastics."

    First of all Sarah and Nabieva aren't on the respective teams so they are MOOT points... Nabieva is obviously horrible on vault but I actually quite like her on bars. I do like Sarah a lot. Yes, Raisman and Wieber aren't the only ones on the team, but may I point out that two of the gymnasts I mentioned as "watchable" are only doing two events. And I will point out there's a reason Maroney will likely only be doing two....I find her watchable but she's not great on beam or bars for a variety or reasons. As for Mustafina not being perfect, now shes' not but I'm not asking for perfection. I actually dont' particularly enjoy Ross either (her floor routine too is dire) and she's boring to me. She was watchable though for me because the lines/extension are there.

    Are the Russians perfect no. Aliya though has one thing I can't stand about her that's twisting (I can live with one issue) other than that she has beautiful carriage, look about her gymnastics. Afansyeva is an elegant gymnast period. And Komova, Grishina? Talk about beautiful form, interesting skills.

    To illustrate my point what new moves or innovative skills have the Americans done. The Russians have 2 girls with moves named after them in this sport. (Three if you count Nabs) and Afan is doing a skill only her and Semenova did... The US girls have nothing nada, and they have interested nothing nada and its been a long time since a new skill has been introduced by an American gymnast. So its all of that for me...I am not saying the Russians are perfect they are not but theirs overall is the type of gymnastics I prefer. And the only way we will get artistry back is if artistry gets rewarded. Period. Go Russia win "with beauty".

  27. I agree fully. Just as an example, when Jordyn does her beam it is like a little pose is thrown in for good measure in between skills. The same with Ali Raisman. It drives me crazy when she lays on her belly reaches forward with her arm. That move makes me snaky because it just appears like she is down there because she has to.

    The Russians are known historically for their artistry in general. If you watch the video with Joy Wommack she describes it well.
    I don't think it is the fault of our gymnasts, it is whom ever trains them. I would hope, that they could spend the extra money and pay a ballet teacher to come in a teach, lines, poise, grace,and carriage.
    When I was a gymnast, we had a ballet teacher brought in. I am sure the girls are not asking for ballet teachers, they are like little puppets doing what is asked of them.

    1. Asked of them by their individual COACHES! If you can type with honest fingers and say you don't see the grace, finesse and poise in Finnegan and Maroney and their gorgeous lines and dance on floor at least, then farts to you, sir, (or ma'am.)

    2. sorry my prior post was meant for 3:42

  28. GymnastHole. Did I say I hated every American gymnast? There are American gymnasts with artistry. And their are Russians with Meh form (Nabieva Zamo)..But Sarah isn't here. And Maroney (who I do love) is only freakin competiting one event...

    And as for Mustafina and Komova's meh floors. Well I agree with that. But when I said I found only three US gymnasts who I found watcheable. That didn't mean I actually ilked their floor routines. The three gymnasts I like is Maroney, Douglas, and Ross. And of them only Maroney has a floor routine I actually love to watch.

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