Friday, July 20, 2012

Photo of the Day

Gabby Douglas and her weave are on the cover of TIME!


  1. 2012 Olympic Gymnastics Drinking Game

    1. 3 shots if the Queen shows up to the gymnastics event.
    2. Take a drink for every political figure shown (President, Will and Kate, etc.)
    3. Have each member in the room pick a country randomly from a hat. If your
    team loses you must take a shot. For event finals each must chose a particular
    gymnast and the same rule applies.
    4. Take a drink during every athlete interview.
    5. Is Romania wearing a white leotard? Yes? Take a drink.
    6. Finish the drink in your hand if the camera is glued to a gymnast with tears in
    her eyes. Good or bad.
    7. Take a drink every time they show a fan jumping around with a flag.
    8. Drink throughout the first vault after the commercial break.
    9. For every fall you must take a drink.
    10. Take a drink for each hug a gymnast receives after her performance.
    11. Take a drink each time a black gymnast is called naturally powerful or a
    white gymnast is called naturally graceful.
    12. Take a drink if they say a tiny, skinny, anorexic gymnast has the European
    look or that their style scores well internationally.
    13. Take a shot for every Chinese gymnast that looks 12 (your group decides).
    14. Every time AL mentions grips take a drink (the Americans wear them,
    Russians don’t, etc)
    15. Every time there is a fluff piece about the sacrifices made to make the
    Olympics finish your drink (they moved away from home, their dad works
    two jobs, etc)
    16. Take a drink when they mention Nastia.
    17. Did they just say the word pressure? Take a drink please.
    18. Take a drink every time a gymnast name/coach’s name/ or skill is
    mispronounced or just flat out wrong.
    19. Take a drink for every time an over-emphasis is put on a stuck landing.
    20. Take a drink every time you are told that the beam is only 4” wide…
    21. Tim Daggett just said Gymnastics 101, Exclamation Point, Kid on a
    playground. Take a drink.
    22. Elfi’s turn. She just pointed out an out of bounds. Even my dog can tell when
    someone steps step over the bold white line.
    23. Whenever a pink leotard flashes across the screen. Once per gymnast though,
    we don’t want you in the ER.
    24. The Marta clap, open palmed, overhead, slow motion clap. You know what I
    mean. Drink!
    25. Just zoom in on a bitch face? Drink bitch.

    1. Clearly if anyone plays this game they will be carted to the nearest ER for alcohol poisoning mid way through the first rotation

    2. LMAO!!!!! I am reposting that. Thank you!!!

  2. STUNNING Photos!!!!!!

  3. General Mills Cocoa Puffs in the photoshoot. Good girl, Gabby.

    Is that a gallon of leftover urine in the fridge?

  4. The lighting reminds me of Caravaggio. But the content reminds me of the Babysitters Club.

    - Sole Heterosexual Male

    1. I kind of love you. But maybe more for Caravaggio than the BSC.

  5. I bet Jordyn is just fuming.....

  6. Tyra would be so proud of her fierceness... maybe after London ANTM can do another short girls season... Gabby would win!

    1. Yessss..I thought the same thing she is "smizing" and coming for each one of your nerves in these pics.tyra would be proud indeed

  7. I am so sick of the token being the it girl when she has one competition win under her name and if you know gymnastics you know she did not deserve the win.

    1. I kind of agree with you. Not sure if she didn't deserve her Trials win, but sick of all the hype after her 1.5 wins (Scam Cup). Bet she falls in London.

    2. y'all are a hateful bunch.

      i don't see why gabby shouldn't get to be the it girl. first, all of the ladies on the team are gonna be household names in a week - usa loves it wag team during the olympics, especially since it's going to be painted as RUSSIA VS. USA, COLD WAR PART DEUX. second, gabby has a more extroverted personality and a more interesting story than jordyn does. she will get people excited. she already has - i have non-gym friends texting me that they absolutely love gabby douglas, she's the best, she's so adorable, etc.

      whichever one does best in london will be the star after the games, so whatever. she's a 16-year-old girl, let her have her fun. it's not like people have forgotten jordyn exists.

    3. People don't like Gabby for reasons nothing to do with gymnastics. The "token" part is a dead giveaway. These people are outrageous with the vitriol for her. All she is doing is gymnastics. Why are bitches mad?

    4. @AnonymousJuly 20, 2012 4:39 PM

      Shaddup. The Gabby train is rolling. Get used to it. :b

    5. Wow! Racist much? It's easy to be a pig when you're hiding behind a computer screen big shot. Read Geddert's blog and you'll see why she's one of the "it" girls. It's really really pathetic that people are rooting for one of the American girls to fall just because she came out of nowhere and stole some of Jordyn's thunder. Be happy for all of them.

    6. @Kate.MichJuly 21, 2012 9:54 AM
      Well put.

  8. Gabby may be invited to Obama's canvass party after Olympics.

  9. Why are the girls in the kitchen pic wearing tights and ballet shoes?

    1. They are Gabby's "host sisters" and they all are gymnasts/dancers

  10. Uh, maybe because they take dance lessons?

  11. You have to admit it's pretty fucking sad when the reigning World Champion doesn't make the cover of a major magazine in the month of the Olympics. Nothing like some good ol hype that a gymnast will never be able to live up to.

    1. Jordyn is not Team USA. Jordyn, Gabby, Kyla, McKayla, and Aly are Team USA. Others are allowed to share in Jordyn's spotlight.

    2. Thank you @Kate.Mich

    3. Gabby is black, and current president is Barack Obama. You know that.

    4. Wow. You are one angry person. It's a magazine cover. I feel really sorry for you that this is what you have going on in your life. God bless.

    5. aly had a documentary made about her, mckayla was in glamour, jordyn is SI's predicted aa winner. the rest of the girls are doing just fine. gabby getting a magazine cover doesn't mean the end of days for the rest of team usa, dear lord. plus, it's pretty fucking cruel to consider her career a bust when she's only been a senior for one year.

    6. Currently, Gabby has the highest potential all-around score of any American on the team. She's second in the world only to Victoria Komova. Even the Russians are mentioning 'Douglas' as their only potential competition for AA gold. She deserves to be on the cover of something besides Ebony, because she has separated herself from the pack internationally. If she hits, she could medal. I don't know why you would begrudge Gabby a few minutes of fame when she deserves it.

    7. I prefer Gabby to Wieber and I agree with you about her potential... However,,, WHAT has she done to seperate herself from the pack internationally...Wieber is the reigning world AA champ-THAT"s seperating yourself. Maroney is vault World champion that's seperating yourself. Gabby's won nothing interationally YET. (Fab gymnast though)

    8. Wow. Is this 2012 or 1952?? Some people REALLY need to pull the white sheets off, stop burning crosses and get with the 21st century. Gabby beat Jordyn at Trials. Why is this so difficult to perceive? Because homegirl isn't white? GET OVER IT! Both girls are very close to each other when they hit. At the Olympics anything can happen. Jordyn was on the cover of US magazine as well as S.I. with the team, Aly made her own cover on The Improper Bostonian, again along with the Team S.I. cover. She also had a SIX PAGE SPREAD in US magazine versus Jordyn, Nastia, McKayla, and Gabby's 2 each in the same mag. I didn't hear anyone complaining about that (after all Jordyn is the World Champion not Aly), nor have I heard anyone bitch because McKayla and Kyla 'only' made the S.I. cover and have yet to be featured on a magazine cover all by themselves or nearly so. The only 'problem' some people have with Gabby is her skin color-only they're too cowardly to admit it. Pathetic.

    9. July 22 12:00PM
      Unless you were replying to someone else, I just commented on what Gabby's done to separate herself from the pack if you would have read my statement. The Russians, which most people agree have two all-around gold medal favorite gymnasts, consider Gabby Douglass as their ONLY competition for the AA gold. If that's not distinguishing yourself, I don't know what is. If you want a short list of accomplishments she's:
      2010 Pan American bars champion and team champion
      2011 City of Jesolo floor silver medalist and beam bronze medalist
      2011 National Championships bars bronze medalist
      2012 Pacific Rim bars silver medalist
      2012 US bars champion (gold medalist) and AA silver medalist finishing ahead of 3 US Olympic teammates and she is the current floor bronze medalist
      Olympic Trials AA champion

      That cover of Time featured 5 different covers that day of which she was only one. Lolo Jones and Ryan Lochte were featured on 2 other covers and Lolo Jones finished 3rd in her heat not first. Ryan Lochte is not even the favorite on all of his events, Michael Phelps is. I don't know why people are all extra upset about Gabby being on the cover when Lolo and Ryan are in the same situation in their respective sports. Gabby certainly has enough medals to be on the cover of anything.

  12. I think those photos are gross. Whom ever decided to put that child in positions like that, where they are has no style or taste. It seems to coincide with the juvenile taste of the cereal. Who wants a crotch next to the fridge?

    1. Are you the same twat that got offended with her for making the rok 'n rol sign and sticking her tongue out in that twitter photo?

      - Token Heterosexual Male

    2. it looks like she is cooling off her crotch. too much foil spandex down there gurl. love her and these pics tho.

    3. I thought the same thing. These poses are bizarre and gross.

    4. Anon at 11:52 shut your hole. I have every right to my damn opinion, and I find it disgusting. Period.

    5. It's not like she's hanging off a stripper pole a la McKayla in Glamour, lolz...

    6. No I could care less if she was doing those goofy things,(teens do that) my kids do that....I was just kind of grossed out at the poses they kinda just seem weird. I don't think that they would make Jordyn do that. I just thought the photographer could have been better at the job and less, unprofessional. They just look cheesy.

    7. Oh my God people! If you were a gymnast or had a gymnast or dancer in your house you would know that gymnasts are constantly stretching because you are so sore from your daily workouts. If they wanted to show her home life coinciding with gymnastics life, it is perfectly natural to show her doing the splits and yes even against the wall. I've never done them against the fridge, but I think they just wanted to show that she was in the kitchen. The only other thing I think that she would naturally be doing in the house are handstands, but then I don't know how that would've turned out in a Time magazine picture.

    8. The comments by a negative few on Gabby's private parts is totally gross. Talk about pedos, WTF people? She's a CHILD for Pete's sakes!

  13. "Anon at 11:52 shut your hole."

    I'm sorry, Anon at 6:37, but I preferred Token Heterosexual Male.

    "I have every right to my damn opinion, and I find it disgusting. Period."

    And I have very right to shit on your opinion-- in a rather eloquent fashion, if you don't mind me saying so myself. Elipsis.

    - Token Heterosexual Male

  14. She looks awkward and disgusting. There's no way she can win the AA. Nobody will buy a Wheaties box with an eye sore like that on it. Truth.

    1. As your opinion, I think it is just like a certain Russian in the box.

    2. July 22, 3:11 AM
      What kind of retarded logic is that? "Nobody will buy a Wheaties box with [Gabby Douglas] on it"...therefore she can't win the AA? Watch her win the AA and who cares if she's on Wheaties? Who the poop eats Wheaties anyway? If you ate Wheaties you'd know Jordyn Weiber already got the Wheaties contract long time ago. But, you clearly don't even eat Wheaties so why do you care who's on it?

    3. Wieber has alrady been in the Kelloggs Box. If think she don't care will she be in Wheaties box or not.

    4. Quote:AnonymousJuly 22, 2012 3:11 AM
      "She looks awkward and disgusting. There's no way she can win the AA. Nobody will buy a Wheaties box with an eye sore like that on it. Truth."

      Troll alert!The RACIST RETARDS are out in force again!! :b

  15. I am rooting for Jordyn and/or Gabby for the win. However, it would be great to see Gabby win JUST to see some of you racist cunts in this board squirm!
    Can't believe how hateful some of you can be. MAYBE they picked her for the cover because she's awesome and seems to be the only one with any personality during interviews.

    1. I love how not liking Gabby means you're racist. Give it up. If she were a white girl with that face and those poses, I'd still say the photos are uggggly. This girl is a dog compared to the other 4 she is competing with. Giving her these awkward promotional shoots just accencuates that fact. The only thing worse than looking at Gabby is looking at her mom, that lady has got an even worse mug. I aint concerned about her winning AA. She's won a grand total of ONE competition (I do not count SCAM). She'll headcase the olys and won't be given the gifts she was given at trials. Watching and more importantly listening to her floor routine is something a gym fan should never be subjected to. Truth.

    2. July 22 11:20 AM
      If the shoe fits wear it. The first step to overcoming racism is to admit that you are a racist. You'll never become a better person if you continue to live in denial.

    3. Crying racism is a tool used by people with sub par intellingence to respond to criticism. It carries no weight and no substance. You think someones racist because they think Gabby is ugly? I also think Afanasyeva is ugly. In fact I'm not entirely convinced she is a woman. Honey child has quite the man face. I can barely stand looking at in competition.

    4. Oh bitch you gone too far with the Afan and Gabby ugly thing. Post a picture of yourself and let us all judge you. I admit that Afan looks kind of masculine but at the same time she can look very pretty and beautiful. She's really androgynous. To be honest a lot of gymnasts are androgynous looking. At least Afanasyeva can move like a fucking WOMEN unlike the rest of the fucking so called female gymnasts. Afan doesn't even have to try hard. A lot of her competitors moves like men, stiff idiots or tries too hard to be sexy.

    5. Quote: AnonymousJuly 22, 2012 11:20 AM
      "I love how not liking Gabby means you're racist. Give it up. If she were a white girl with that face and those poses, I'd still say the photos are uggggly. This girl is a dog compared to the other 4 she is competing with. Giving her these awkward promotional shoots just accencuates that fact. The only thing worse than looking at Gabby is looking at her mom, that lady has got an even worse mug. I aint concerned about her winning AA. She's won a grand total of ONE competition (I do not count SCAM). She'll headcase the olys and won't be given the gifts she was given at trials. Watching and more importantly listening to her floor routine is something a gym fan should never be subjected to. Truth."

      You're losing I.Q. points every time you post. Truth! :D

  16. I would be happy if Jordan won the AA gold, but really she's not even in the running. The top three D score totals are Komova, Douglas, Lordache, Mustafina and then Weiber. Gabby is shaping up to peak at the Olympics and reality is that Weiber is tired because she's already been at the top for 2 years. It doesn't matter what you think her face looks like. She already proved at the American Cup that international judges like her AND her floor routine. Without her, the US team certainly cannot win team gold because the rest of them suck at bars. Whether you like it or not she's going to be around for years so if you continue to watch gymnastics you'll probably be watching her as the next NBC Amanda Borden or Elfie Shlegal because she has the BEST personality gymnastics has seen in years on top of all her other accolades. I'll be laughing when she's a 3 time Olympic medalist in a few weeks.

    1. Gabby has a great personality but I think that Mustafina has a great personality too.

    2. Agreed. Although I was referring to USA gymnastics with regard to the personality topic.

  17. It is sad when every negative comment might be misconstrued as racism. People can like or dislike someone based on looks, personality,skill, and character. That does not mean they are racist. I would not say Kerri Strug was pretty, does that make me racist? Or Dominique Dawes, I thought her short haircut was nasty, but that does not make me racist.

    Gabby Douglas, might choke or shine, they all have the capacity to choke. The Olympics is about who did the best job on that day. They are all essentially all at the same skill level, otherwise they would not be a the Olympics.
    May the best team, or girl win, on that day.

    1. no, but it's interesting to see the things people say when they're anonymous. not every negative comment about gabby is racist, that's definitely true - but look up above at some of the most violently negative comments. saying she's only on the cover because she's the "token" on the team? that is absolutely a racist remark that completely overlooks her enormous talent.

      anyway, i agree with your last sentiment and think it's time for people to move on from this silly cover and gabby douglas in general (until competition starts, at the very least).

    2. No one called her the token black girl. The original poster called her the token "it" girl. You know, the e4y chosen one. Big difference.

      I find the girl obnoxious, and it's nothing to do with her skin color.

  18. Margaret Tudor, I declare you Chief Troll of this blog. You are quite wretched. Keep it up.

  19. No, the person said I'm sick of "the token" being the it girl. Token is used as short hand for "token minority". That comment was racist. Not all the negative comments are, but that one was, and I think there is some underlying racism to much of the criticism, though not all, of Gabby Douglas.

    People who claim she only has success because she is over scored, that she is an eyesore to gymnastics and has no talent (all things I have read, not all on this board), are not criticizing her based on facts. It's not like she gets up and does silly routines and gets great scores. She does hard routines with very high degrees of difficulty, and when she executes them well, she is successful. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of Gabby, and I completely respect those who make valid, realistic criticism. There is, however, an enormous amount of absurd, demonstrably untrue criticism being leveled at her. Maybe some of those are just nasty people who aren't racist. I don't know, but that combined with a good number of overtly racist comments, makes me think that one issue (though not the only issue) people have with Gabby is her race.

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