Friday, October 28, 2011

Asshole of the Day

"We still need to keep our eye on the prize," Geddert said of the London Games. "I'm supportive of the idea in that Jordyn isn't cut out for college gymnastics. I don't think the 14 weekends in a row doing watered-down gymnastics, that's not what she's all about. When you compete with the best in the world, I don't see her sinking her teeth into that type of situation."

John Geddert on Jordyn Wieber going pro.

Things you don't say...


  1. No kidding. Talk about setting yourself up. And frankly, I wouldn't be so snarky. Those girls may be competing "watered down routines" but most of them are also getting a free university education in the process. Jordyn has NO guarantees of success when it comes to future endorsements, especially since she has ZERO star power and personality. And hello, she hasn't even made the Olympic team yet. There are what, 8 or 9 months left? She has plenty of time left to be broken by Marta and end up sitting at home watching the Games from her couch. Stupid and greedy decision by the family, in my opinion.

  2. I guess the Wiebers have never heard of Vanessa Atler?? How did that turn out?

  3. After seeing the title of the post, I was sure this was going to be about Patrick "Some of the other skaters are going to be working really hard to somewhat be at my level" Chan

  4. Agree with Anon at 1:08. Exactly what I was thinking. He better do damage control, pronto. How many other great ELITES have you had, John? Katie Teft was a real legend, wasn't she? If I were you, I wouldn't bite the NCAA hand that feeds you. Frankly, I think Geddert is in the same situation as Cassie Rice and Steve Nunno. He produces one great gymnast (who probably would have succeeded at any gym in the country) and suddenly he's God's gift to gymnastics.

  5. I don't like Geddert's classless comment at all (I imagine there are some other Twistars who might appreciate a college scholarship), but this is also such a difficult decision in Jordyn's case. She could get hurt before or after the Olympics and never have the opportunity to compete NCAA even if she maintained eligibility. I guess she might as well make some money as soon as she can.

  6. Sorry, but the amount she would make on endorsements will not be anywhere near the value of an NCAA scholarship. $16,000 for American Cup? That would pay for about a quarter of a semester at UM.

  7. Totally lost all respect for him!

  8. $16,000??? Wooooohoooo. Jordyn would have to win ScAM cup about six times to pay her way through four years of undergrad at Ann Arbor. Just saying.

  9. As soon as I read the article on IG I went immediately to this site knowing full well that AJ would post something. Apparently Geddart thinks that Jordyn will just no longer want to do gymnastics when she is finished with elite because she is "too good" for that. Crazy. There have been so many talented elite gymnasts who have thoroughly enjoyed their NCAA time as gymnasts when it then becomes incredibly fun and team oriented! Very much an "open mouth insert foot" kind of statement. Wow...still can't believe he said it!!

  10. That is risky for her. Especially with Shawn, Nastia and Alicia all looking for endorsements heading into the games as well (all of whom are more marketable on a number of levels IMO). Unless she wins the AA in London I don't see her equaling the $ of a free ride to any D1 gymnastics school. And Geddert does sound like a complete asshole. Not exactly churning out Olympians over there dude.

    I am excited for Evan Morganstein and Sheryl Shade round 2, however.

  11. Niiiice. I'm sure Bridget Sloan, Anna Li and Aly Raisman appreciated that comment. Tool.

  12. What a classless douche. Funny, I'd like to see Jordyn do some of the actual dancing that those "watered down" gymnasts in NCAA do. Also, I'd love to see Jordyn's sorry ass do even a "watered down" version of what Anna Li is capable of on uneven bars....


  13. winning the american cup isnt an endoresment. if she wins the AA next year she could make millions.

  14. Female NCAA is watered down crap. The men don't do that shit. I have heard from some NCAA girls who were sad that the key aspect of gym from when they were kids (LEARNING NEW TRICKS) was gone at NCAA.

    Oh...and John has guts. Love how honest he is. You can go hang out with Bart and Tim. I want to party with John!

  15. Not everyone is cut out for NCAA. Look at Nastia, Shawn, Chellsie, Shannon, Kim, would be tough to go from winning a huge competition like Worlds or Olympics to competing every weekend to terrible cuts of hip hop music or double twists on floor. There is nothing wrong with him saying that she isn't cut out for it. Some girls aren't cut out for elite, some aren't for NCAA. Why does everyone have to be so freaking PC all the time? At this moment in time, Jordyn is THE BEST IN THE WORLD, according to the most recent competition. I totally understand where she is coming from.

  16. That "watered down crap" is worth it for a $100,000 NCAA scholarship. At this moment in time, yes she is the best. But who's to say she won't rupture an Achilles next week or blow out her knee like Shawn? Then what? If an AA win in London is worth millions, then why not wait until AFTER that happens to take the money and run? Winning Worlds has never set anyone up for life. They're assuming she's already guaranteed a spot on the team AND a gold medal in AA. That's a huge gamble and pretty d--- presumptious if you ask me.

  17. By the time most of these girls get to college, they're so broken and beaten up they couldn't even hope to do what the tricks elites are doing now. If it were me, I'd be plenty happy to go out there and toss off some easy double twists if they were giving me a scholarship in return. Seems like pretty easy money to me.

  18. Maybe she doesn't want to compete any more after doing elite. Maybe she wants to have a "normal" college experience. There are other ways of getting money for school, heck, maybe her parents can pay for college themselves. Who knows? Not everyone is Courtney Kupets. And if she ruptures an Achilles tomorrow, maybe she'll be perfectly fine not competing ever again. I'm sure Jordyn and her family have thought about that. Plus, it's not all just commercial endorsement money. She could speak at gyms, give clinics, model leotards, do pro tours...John obviously says what he's thinking, which I think is refreshing. Everyone else uses coach speak.

    As for being guaranteed a spot, well...barring injury, she's pretty much a sure thing. Reigning world and national champ, used on all four events in TF on the gold medal team...yeah. Don't know that it's presumptuous to think she's gonna be one of the five going to London.

  19. Athletes earn as much money leading up to the games as they do after. It isn't smart for him to say this because it is a total jinx move. It makes sense for her to go pro because NBC will promote her as the AA threat. America loves all arounders. Then again, it would be hilarious if Shawn squeezes her way on the team and has a more compelling redemption storyline.

  20. the world AA champion the year before the games never wins the AA the following year except Lilia and she was well just special I see Mustafina and Komova upgrading and they have a little more artistic qualities that Jordyn Does not.... and have a huge advantage on UB and JG might be forgetting that Jordyns rivals also have amanars but just didn't perform them in Tokyo I dont see Jordyn winning the AA in London

  21. Alyssa beckerman was one gymnast who should have gone pro. Ncaa did not work for her, and val cutting her after an injury made her pay out of state tuition so I guess it would have been more adventageous to go pro then to be shit on like she was.

  22. Hmmmm....if only there was some way Jordyn could borrow money to go to school, oh yeah it's called taking out a loan like every other college student! You guys make it sound like if she blows out her knee tomorrow or doesn't make a million dollars from the Olympics she'll never be able to afford school and have to work at McDonalds. How much did she make from worlds? At least $20,000 that's a year or two for college right there.

  23. Alyssa appealed to UCLA and didn't pay for her last year of school.

  24. Hey I don't see komova or musty winning you are all taking this to seriously take a chill pill

  25. i take offense to the cassie rice comment. sure she hasent had another elite in a while but she workd her ass off for region one gymnastics.

  26. Anon 3:40PM - "How much did she make from worlds? At least $20,000 that's a year or two for college right there." Um, ya what college are you talking about? Some college in Mongolia? A top American college, tuition, room & board, fees, etc., cost about $15,000-$30,000 a SEMESTER. And guess what? There's TWO semesters in one academic year. Please do the math. Even if she used the lower in-state tuition rate (a bargain!) at the University of Michigan she's still be paying $30,000 just for ONE year. And if she goes out of state to a private university the cost increases exponentially.

    @Olympic Effect - "It makes sense for her to go pro because NBC will promote her as the AA threat." - NBC would promote her regardless if she were pro or not. She's a good story line, "current world champion, hasn't been done in 15-16 years, is the only american to beat both Komova and Musty, etc." BUT if Shawn does make the team, let alone make it to AA, there will definitely be a shift in attention.

    On another note, Jordyn has NO personality, no media appeal, no compelling story, sure she's from depressed Michigan but well she doesn't live in Detroit, she's not cute and bouncy like Shawn, doesn't have the DNA like Nastia, isn't the team leader like ASac, the underdog like Memmel, she's a snooze-fest in my eyes.

    And ya, John Geddert says a lot which is refreshing but he's pissing off the wrong people - um hello, NCAA recruiters? ! I wouldn't want to recruit from his gym for a cycle or 2 to send a little message. But ya he's totally jinking her.

    Maybe she should have a chat with Rebecca Bross, Vanessa Atler, Jana Bieger, shit even Carly Patterson etc., etc., as to how going pro is bringing in the big bucks and connecting them to adult success ;)

  27. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I find it amusingly ironic that AJ, one of the most politically incorrect commentators in all gymnastics, would say that Geddert was inappropriate. But enough of that. Wieber has more than just this coming Olympics to look forward to. With good athletic management she will compete for several years, potentially on to Brazil. I'm sure she has money on the table now, and will find many other lucrative opportunities over the coming years. As far as waiving a scholarship, according to her local paper she has a 3.94 gpa, and being a World and National Champion listed on her resume, I'm sure there are schools that would kill to give her a free ride on an academic scholarship. Once she is finally ready to call it a gymnastics career at the elite level, I don't think she's really going to miss painting a school logo on her cheek and being required to do a pike on for a UB transition.

  28. Anon @ 11:42, don't you think Geddart, a private coach and gym owner, and AJ, a blogger, should have different standards for their commentary? If AJ weren't snarky, how many of us would be here? Snark isn't going to get gymnasts, or recruiting coaches, into Geddart's gym. I do think he is likely to regret that statement.

    I am curious about something--what IS the potential for a female gymnast going pro? Does anyone have any idea how well Carly and Nastia and Shawn have actually done? I was sort of under the impression that no American since Mary Lou had made any "real" money at this, but I don't really know.

  29. oops, meant "anon @4:52!"

  30. I call bullshit on saying anyone would qualify for an academic scholarship based solely on GPA. Have you seen her transcript? No school is going to care about her unless she wins the Olympics.

  31. Lilia wasn't special. She was lucky. Lucky that the judges ignored her shitty 9.5 uneven bar routine and scored her in the 9.7'9,8 range. If everyone had not messed up she would have never won.

  32. @ anon 5.34 p.m.
    Apparently you don't know anything about collegiate scholarships and you don't read so well, either. Granted academic scholarships are based on GPA's and ancillary activities. The Detroit Free Press reports that Wieber's gpa is 3.94. That is very competitive.
    In addition, she can list World and National Champion among her extracurricular activities on her application. Believe it or not, there are many prestigious universities around the country who would gladly pay full boat to get that kind of person into their freshman class. I say this as someone who spent some time dealing with academic and athletic scholarships in a college environment.

  33. anon 6:07
    THANK YOU! People make it seem like if she doesn't do NCAA there's no way she'll ever be able to go to college. Yeah she could blow her knee out and never be able to do gymnastics again, including college....might as well make some $$ now while it's a sure thing.
    Jordyn is NOT boring she's just 16, sorry she's not so oh golly gee shucks guys I'm just the baby of the group Shawn Johnson, that doesn't make her not marketable

  34. I like Jordyn's biceps.

  35. She is not marketable at all. I'm sure she's a very nice, fun person, but she doesn't have the "it" factor.

  36. i just feel jordyns peaked already just like shawn she peaked in 07 theres an entire year for someone to catch up. Bross. Musty. Weiber. Tan sixin, ross

  37. To the commenter above - Nastia was already rich thanks to her parents. She never had anything to worry about. On top of that she's made a ton of money from her clothing line, among other things. Can you imagine Wieber with a clothing line, sitting front and center at fashion shows or choreographing ice shows? Uh, no.

  38. College gymnastics may be crap, but it's crap that pays off $100,000+ in tuition, books, fees, board, etc. There's a reason people are rioting in the streets over student loans right now. Wake up and smell the cash.

  39. Ugh. This guy consistently gives me douche chills of the Nunno variety.

    To me, the issue is really not NCAA vs pro for Jordyn. I couldn't give a shit less. And yes of course Jordyn can get an academic scholarship if that's the route she chooses to take.

    It's fine if Jordyn decides not to do NCAA, and Geddert is entitled to his opinion that NCAA would be settling. But there were many ways for Geddert to have communicated his view of Jordyn's potential and his desire for her to achieve greatness and success (albeit his definition of such) without sounding like a classless douche clown in the process.

    Like several said above, he might want to think twice about potentially alienating recruiters and those entrenched in the NCAA world. He's got the view from the top of the mountain at the moment, but he may never coach another Jordyn for the rest of his career. Candor can certainly be refreshing, but it will get you nowhere if it burns bridges, and it would serve him well to keep that in mind.

  40. Eh, this seems like one of those "it's not what you say, but how you say it" situations. Sure NCAA might not be right for every single elite out there, but it has been good for a lot of them. If JG had said something along the lines of, "Jordyn has decided to pursue a pro career instead of college gymnastics. While college gymnastics works for some people, Jordyn wants something different."

    There. See what a difference it makes? Then again, if he wants to be snarky and jinx the whole thing (free country and all), go right ahead. If it doesn't work out maybe Jordyn can record a duet with Patterson.

  41. Anon @ 6:52 beat me to it. I totally agree.

  42. Anon @6:52 - Amen!

    Anon @6:55 - "If it doesnt work out maybe Jordyn cam record a duet with Carly". LMAO x 1,000 !!!!!!!

  43. Anon @ 6:55: Totally agree. I don't have an issue with Jordyn going pro- that's a decision for her and her parents to make. And NCAA isn't for every elite gymnast; not everybody is a Courtney Kupets.

    However, I think that he was extremely rude about collegiate gymnastics. The NCAA has given girls who WEREN'T Nastias, Shawns, or Jordyns the chance to shine, as well as giving them a strong team-based environment in what was previously a pretty individual sport, plus a way to pay for college. For many former elites who are past their World's or Olympic prime, or who have been plagued by injuries, it's an easier, enjoyable way (NCAA gymnasts look like they're having a blast, unlike most elite girls, IMO) to ease out of the sport they love.

    Someone mentioned that Jordyn is Geddert's only VERY successful elite, and that he sends a lot of girls to the NCAA, so he shouldn't be biting the hand that feeds him.

  44. People need to embrace these new gymnasts and stop living in the past. Do we really want more Shawn vs Nastia fluff? Shawn, Nastia, Asac and Chellsie aren't going to be around forever and the sooner USA Gymnastics and NBC start weening themselves from them the better.
    "Can WOGA make it 3 for 3 in the AA? Or can Wieber break the streak and beat out Bross?" Add in some Russian drama. Look I did it for you NBC. Put some dramatic music behind it and a slow motion montage BAM!

  45. USA gymnastics is putting all their media eggs in one basket named Shawn and Nastia which is a mistake, there are girls FAR more likely to make the Olympic team that the non gymnastics community should get to know. At least give a little fluff to Maroney, that girl has sass

  46. I don't care for him. And I haven't ever since I met him a few years ago. But that is his personality. That doesn't make that comment anymore right or worthy but I'm not surprised that he would say something like that. Jordyn is a great gymnast but her personality I think has been shaped by having to grow up dealing with him and his snarky comments like this one. One has to be a little hard and lacking of media know how when you deal with him all the time. She has just had to make it work for her.

  47. The other girls are BORING and Maroney isn't world class AA quality, therefore no major fluff for you. Jordyn is screwed if any of Nastia, Shawn or Asac make the team. All three are way more marketable, already known by the public from the last olympics for various reasons, older and therefor can attract more male attention, and have much more compelling story lines. If two or by some fluke all 3 make it some how, I'm not sure the public will even be aware of who Jordyn by the end of the Olympics. Heck, with all the comebacks, Nastia vs Shawn rivalry back in place, I'm not sure they will know who she is before the Olympics. Especially since she didn't develop any rivalries this year or show any personality to cameras. I like her, cute kid, but this is just a bad bad quad to want to make a name for yourself in.

  48. Well, for Jordyn, college gymnastics WOULD be watered down. Frankly, I'm surprised as many elites do college gymnastics as they do. A free education is nice, but I'm sure the Wiebers can figure out how to pay for college just like most families out there if this "pro" thing doesn't end up that lucrative. Anyway, Geddert didn't say anything too bad there. I'm far more annoyed by his CONSTANTLY talking about how HE trains Jordyn, the World Champ. You know, that's supposed to be Jordyn's dream, and he can be proud to have coached her, but he shouldn't try to live vicariously through her and bask so much in the glory. That was HER success... He was just there to help. Man, that's a lot more pressure on a kid to win not just for herself, but for a coach. Let it be HER dream. No need to be so arrogant.

  49. I'm sorry, the NCAA is STUPID. WHY CAN'T kids who are in a position to make a little money compete on a college team? It's just so stupid. Jordyn has already turned down thousands of dollars in prize money that she earned just to fulfill the NCAA's stupid rules. It's their loss. It's not like she's a money-hungry football player being bribed by large $$$... She's earning money on the world stage... Why can't she keep it AND compete in college? The rules are stupid. This is the NCAA's loss.

  50. Women's NCAA gymnastics is very underwhelming. Everyone does a yurchenko full... Someone like Aly Raisman who can do a beautiful double in her sleep will be doing a yurchenko full for all 4 years. NCAA just doesn't reward skill progression like it should. These gymnasts spend years learning new skills and building up their routines, and then they get to college and every single beam routine contains: bhs- layout step out, a front skill, a leap series, and a dismount. It's just deflating. Every single bar routine is a release, a transition, and a giant full. Every single floor routine contains a front full pass. The girls who are more talented than that simply aren't rewarded as much as they should be. If you dare upgrade your vault to a yurchenko double, you often will get a lower score than plenty of girls who only did a full just because you took a step. It's just ridiculous.

  51. Anon 8:57
    Jordyn hasn't developed any rivalries? I do believe their names are Mustafina and Komova, that is way more marketable for the Olympic games since everyone watches to cheer on their country no matter the sport, in Beijing it was American vs American in London it will likely be USA vs Russia and therefore the American people are much more likely to hop on her bandwagon even if they don't know who she is. But NBC will likely pimp out Alicia and Shawn's injuries instead

  52. The 6 months leading up to the Olympics can earn Jordyn a TON of money. You guys are being ridiculous to think that she couldn't easily earn $100,000 and then some. And if she didn't, she can get an academic scholarship, or just pay for college the same way her parents are going to pay for her siblings' educations. They will be fine. Jordyn is in gymnastics because she has a passion for it, she's good at it, and it has given her a tremendous amount of great experiences. She's not in gymnastics to pay for her college education! So good for her for trying to cash in during this once in a lifetime opportunity to become an Olympian! With all due respect to NCAA gymnastics, thousands of girls can make an NCAA team. Only a few go to the Olympics.

  53. The biggest endorsement money to be had is BEFORE the Olympics, not after. The pre-Olympic hype is when the USOC Olympic sponsors hand out their endorsement deals. Nastia had the bulk of her endorsements before she made the Olympic team. By the time the Olympics are over, the attention surrounding the athletes diminishes and they are less likely to sign big deals. It doesn't matter if Jordyn wins AA gold, or doesn't even make the Olympic team at all. She can still make plenty of money in the pre-Olympic run.

  54. Academic scholarships are based on SAT and GPA (being a big time gymnast wouldn't hurt either). And, gasp, if Jordyn didn't get a scholarship, she could take out a student loan like the rest of us. But my guess is that her parents could pay for it just fine. Meanwhile, she'll get to do elite gymnastics for as long as she wants and keep her prize money/endorsement money. Sounds good to me!

  55. NBC hypes Nastia, Shawn, etc, because those are recognizable names from the last Olympics. That has nothing to do with $$$$. I'm sure Jordyn must have at least one very nice sponsorship deal already lined up. The key Olympic sponsors look to feature a whole assortment of athletes in the leadup to the Games... They don't necessary have to be the ones with the best chance for gold. There's enough money to go around for Jordyn and all the other pro gymnasts who will try to get pre-Olympic endorsement deals. Who really cares who Al Trautwig does a fluff on? The odds of any of the 08 girls making the Olympic team are slim anyway.

  56. Perhaps she's received some offers we don't know about, and if she has more power to her. Top gymnasts don't make money like athletes in sports like football, baseball, or tennis. And not every one is cut out for NCAA. Not every one likes college gymnastics nor would want to compete it at that level and that's allowed too. It's fine but Mr. Geddert might have shown a bit more tact.

    That being said-I think should she make the team and win the Olympic Games (and I hope she doesn't-I hope a more complete, artistic gymnast does)Jordyn will be right up there with Carly Patterson as far as endorsements. A Wheatie box, another endorsement or two and that's it.

    Frankly, I think Geddert is being delusional about 'the prize'. Imo the judges at the Olympics are going to do to Jordyn (if she makes it that far) like they did to Shawn in Beijing. They're going to give it to the more 'artistic' gymnast in their eyes ala Nastia. In this case it will be Mustafina or Komova if they hit. Jmo.

  57. I find it amusing that you would call someone the "asshole of the day" for saying something less snarky than your typical entry. But let me guess, because you are not showing your face for everyone to see you don't have to live to the same standards.

  58. I believe that Bross has not turned pro as of yet, and for her I think it might be a good move. Maybe 1-2 athletes per Olympics on gymnastics ahould turn pro--Shawn, Nastia, even Alicia last time-may have made sense for them. I think Aly and Bridget know that they want to compete longer, and are not number 1 this go around--so it makes more sense to take a scholarship. I like Wieber, but I'm not sure her personality off the gymnastics floor will equal enough endorsements to be worth it--but if she does not want to compete in college, that's her choice. I do agree that her coach could have more tact, as I'm guessing there are athletes at Geddarts whose goals are college scholarships.

  59. pretty sure her parents could pay for it, her dads some IBM big shot.

  60. To anon at 7:28: Bross has turned pro already. She has an agent.

  61. that's a great thing to say anonymously. I don't know the situation or you...but I'm glad to say anonymously that you have pussyjuice leaking out of your nutsack.

  62. Well now that you brought it up. Please tell more. What gymnast and interesting about suicide note. Did not know he was that bad

  63. Wow that's a huge accusation to make ... Hope that's not just a disgruntled ex gymnasts parent airing dirty false laundry

  64. I doubt his douchey comment will make his athletes any less recruit-able. If they're good then a program will want them. Besides, if a program would pass over a qualified gymnast because of something they had NO control over ... hot damn!

    And lol @ nastia choreographing skating shows.

  65. I don't think that comment by him means too much. Let's face it she is in a very unique situation that no one else is. Not sure how marketable she is but I guess we shall soon see.

  66. Ok. really? The girl has a few more years til college. Is college gymnastics fun? Absolutely! Is it for everyone? Absolutely not. Do we know if it is for Jordan? No. Does he know if it is for Jordan? No. Does Jordan know if it is for Jordan? No. It is up to Jordan, her parents and her coaches to decide what they think is best for her given the current information. Everyone else, make decisions on what's going on in your lives.

  67. The point is he could have validated Jordyn's choice without diminishing college gymnastics. Period. Injury or not. Millions made or not.

  68. Can anyone say..Carly Patterson? I don't think endorsements have panned out nicely for her..maybe an athletic scholarship would have been a better choice..

  69. Wow, I think you should be a bit more careful with your choice of words. I dont know about the legislation in the US, but in my country you could be sued for insult if you called someone an "asshole" in public.

    John Geddert has done nothing but spoken his mind on the possibility of Jordyn doing college gymnastics. You may find his comments appropriate or not, but the fact that you call someone an asshole just because his opinion on a certain subject is different from yours tells more about your character than about his.

  70. @ Anon 2:20AM

    I don't think AJ labelled Geddert an asshole because he disagrees with him. It's the fact that his comments are completely tactless and downright rude and demeaning of college gymnastics. THAT is what makes his comments so objectionable, not the content.

  71. IF there is truth to what was posted October 29 @ 9:45 AM - I would fear the Karma that is due in this man's universe. Unless that Karma has been meted out already?

    If not, I guess we should hope that whatever Karma is due does not affect the innocents in Geddert's life - i.e. Jordyn.

  72. To every NCAA prospect currently training at Jordyn's gym: Start shopping around! Since Geddert effectively insulted the NCAA program, recruiters will be wary of gymnasts (and attitudes trained therein) coming out of that gym.

  73. @ Anonymous (8:31am)- College Coaches are not going to stop recruiting Twistars kids because of John's comments about the NCAA program. Twistars kids are very good and colleges will continue to recruit them. John's program is involved with the Michigan State program as they help at their meets and have and will have gymnasts on the Spartans team from Twistars.

    In terms of the comments made by John, I think this has been blown way out of proportion. John is talking about Jordyn doing college gymnastics and not about college gymnastics program. He supports college gymnastics and the benefits and rewards it has for Level 10 and elite athletes. However in Jordyn's case the opportunities that she has (as I am sure this decision was not made without reason..... endorsement opporunities), make more sense to Jordyn and the Wieber family then competing on a college gymnastics team.
    I am a former college gymnast and a big supporter of college gymnastics. I gained a lot both in my gymnastics and life with my participation in college athletics and would tell anyone with the opportunity to definitely pursue hands down.

    However if I had the chance to go PRO and had endorsement deals I can't say 100% for sure I wouldn't have considered it.

  74. John made the right comment "jordan gymnastics is not for college" it is gymnastics to compete with the best in the world". John is just being real by saying college gymnastics is 14 weekends of watered down gymnastics because he has seen it and knows it. Jordyn is a world all around champion destined for greatness.

  75. I totally agree with her level of talent that people are using as justification here, but greatness won't last forever. I just hope that Jo is mentally done with gymnastics when her body says it's done with gymnastics, because the bridge to give closure is now burned.

  76. What I don't understand is why most everyone here is assuming that Jordyn and her family haven't considered that maybe she'll be injured or won't win AA gold. Or that they haven't discussed whether or not she'll WANT to do gymnastics through college. Just because she can doesn't mean she would want to. To say Shawn and Nastia and whoever else will take all of the endorsements leaving Jordyn with nothing - maybe they've discussed her potential and decided that it doesn't matter.

    How do we know that none of this plus more was discussed before the decision was made?

  77. He's a douche of Nunno proportions. Coaches with huge egos are such a turnoff. Dude, you got lucky. She would have been good anywhere (well, actually she might have had better bars had she gone somewhere else.) Let's see you churn out a few champs like Karolyi, Kelli Hill, WOGA, etc., then we MAYBE will listen to your egomania.

  78. To be fair, the WOGA champs were created by two different coaches.

  79. i agree it should be removed

  80. Lilia's routine 9.5 worthy... somebody needs to re-read the 93-96 COP.

  81. Is Jordyn going pro a good idea? Truth is, nobody knows. An AA gold might not even make that "work", ala Carly Patterson (who had the most famous Russian diva as her rival). It's a lot about personality, and frankly luck. But then again, NCAA is not some God's gift to gymnast either. It's fun for some, but then might want... you know, just a *normal* college life.

    Was John Geddert's points valid? Yes, probably. He probably was just trying to express support for Jordyn's decision. But to give that statement, to put it that way, is just bad media management. He seems to be rather frank (blog posts and all), and that doesn't translate well sometimes. Is he being "real"? Yes.

  82. I took the comment more as him saying watered down for HER. Alot of gymnasts say they like doing college gymnastics cuz the routines are a little easier with less requirements, so I think he just meant that Jordyn is more of the trickster and wouldnt thrive in a college situation doing what SHE would consider watered down routines. I personally love John and i like that he says what he thinks. We could use more of that.

  83. As mama once said, you are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice. If you want to be frank, blunt and off-the-cuff, there's going to be pushback. Wake up John.

  84. Chances are that Jordyn's parents can afford college for their kids and were never banking on a NCAA scholarship - they seem to do pretty well. Jordyn's parents attended the WCs in Tokyo - that costs a pretty penny and I'm sure that USAG isn't paying round trip airfare plus hotel for the gymnast competing at the WCs.

    I agree with the posters above who point out that while John's point about the nature of NCAA gymnastics is valid, his delivery sucked. Also agree that he's got serious douche vibe. Saw his interview on Gymnastike and it was so sanctimonious it made me gag.

  85. Patterson and Liukin may have been coached by two different coaches, but they have a boat load of World medals- Vise/Patterson with Marchenko and Liukin/Bross with Valery. I'm not even going to count Hong. Those are all very different gymnasts with different body types and strengths. That shows an adaptability on the coach's part and deep knowledge of physiology. Geddert strikes me as a Nunno type. Remember all the mini-Shannons Nunno churned out, each more pitiful than the last? Lucking out with one extraordinarily talented kid hardly puts you in the same league as people who really know what they're doing. Hey I appreciate honesty and am as sick of the PC "I just wanna go out and hit my routine and have fun" as the next guy, but he could use some media training, we'll put it that way.

  86. I removed the comment people asked for and a few references to it. I don't police these comments because a bunch of trolls usually take over after 20-25 comments. No coach in their right mind is going to stop recruiting Geddert's athletes because he made a comment with a poor word choice. I don't know John Geddert at all, but his ego does seem to be growing exponentially with every blog post and comment. Let's put it in perspective...Jordyn has immense natural talent. Prior to Jordyn, Geddert's biggest claim to fame at the elite level was Katie Teft. Caitlin Sullivan and Rebecca Bross both left the gym prior to reaching the elite level. He clearly doesn't think before speaking. He doesn't even both to learn the spelling of his peers' names. Unfortunately, many coaches in elite gymnastics have a very high opinion of themselves when they have little to no education to speak of. There isn't a school of sport in this country and it is why so many coaches have little knowledge of athlete psychology, peaking, preparation, etc. When a coach starts writing a blog and posting videos to help other coaches, they should have one hell of a track record. Frankly, there are a lot better gymnasts than Jordyn Wieber (other elite gymnasts and World Champions) with form and personality who had phenomenal careers in college. I believe it was a smart decision for Jordyn to go pro given her situation. For all we know, she may not be done with gymnastics after the Olympics and Tour. Carly had pre-Olympic deals and likely did better than she would have had she gone pro. The gymnasts do make a decent amount of money on tour. Granted, quite a few top NCAA gymnasts "allegedly" (cough cough...did) made money under the table to appear on tour. Jordyn waited until she won a World Title to turn pro. Many gymnasts (Moceanu, Thompson, Atler, etc) turned pro without any major international titles to their name. John's delivery speaks of a Nunno-type personality that seems himself as the coach of a World Champion. He is also the coach of numerous JO athletes. Agree or disagree with NCAA gymnastics, it makes John Geddert a ton of money because athletes train with him in order to go on and earn collegiate scholarships. That is what really makes him the 'asshole of the day.' Jordyn Wieber may be a once in a lifetime accomplishment. Be happy, but don't forget the hand the really feeds you. Elites don't make gyms money. Strong JO and recreational programs make money, largely in part to parents who hope their gymnasts will one day earn college scholarships.

  87. Lilia's routine sucked. It should have been scored a 9.5 in 1996. Her form sucked and she could barely swing the bars. Leg separations galore.

  88. The only people that care about these comments and are making huge deals out of them are the idiots at GGMB.

    Abomb kisses the butts of College gym because those programs support the board he stole from Doc who is too stupid to even realize it was stolen.

    Utah, UCLA, Miss Val etc... They support that racist dribble apparently. Abomb says things like I hope she dies (Jana Bieger, Rachel Flatt) and they still support it.

    College gym is full of fools.

  89. He has nice hair for an older guy. His glasses frame his face well, too. I'd do him.
    ... j/k...

  90. Hmm...
    Amy Chow was never a huge name in gymnastics.
    Amy chose college. After '96 no NCAA of course, but she chose college, and had done NCAA.
    Amy Chow went to Stanford and is now a doctor.

    Carly Patterson won the most coveted medal in Womens' gymnastics.
    Carly Patterson never competed in NCAA or planned college.
    Carly Patterson is now training to be a dental ASSISTANT.

  91. Are you really trying to knock someone for their career goals? Because she wants to be a dental assistant? Also, I think she had always mentioned wanting to go to school for that.

  92. I'm sorry, but if I went in for a teeth cleaning, and Carly Patterson suddenly showed up to do it, I wouldn't let her anywhere near my teeth... and moreover, I would be appalled that she was working in a dentist's office. Sure, you can want to drive a dumptruck when you're little, but do you really want to do that the rest of your life?

  93. Sooo ... you run away from the other dental assistants? I wouldn't equate driving a dumptruck to being a dental assistant. Let's not be aimlessly elitist. Someone has to do it.

  94. Carly is studying journalism. It was on that Around The Gym show at Championships

  95. Not all of the gymnasts are rocket scientists or even belong in college. This country probably sends too many people to college anyway. There is a lot "Yale or jail" prejudice against non college educated people, but many solid, important trades that do fine without 4 years of liberal arts.

  96. other tan lilias constant leg break on the ginger. link to another band one??

  97. I'm glad there are people willing to be garbagemen and toilet cleaners. Like the person above said, somebody has to do it.

  98. I wonder if that person also looks down upon nurses because they aren't doctors. smh.

  99. I totally look down on nurses. They don't have the mental capacity to become doctors. Good for them for loving interacting with people enough to go for their dream, but thank god they aren't the ones doing the diagnoses and treatment plans. Civilization would be much worse off if interest in a field were enough to award a title. There are hierarchies in academic fields for a reason.

  100. Wow...Anon at 10:59 on Nov. 3 is obviously an elitist. Honey, who do you think is going to actually going to have the time to interact with the patients on a day to day basis while actually giving them the treatment which doctors prescribe? Not janitors, not even the doctors themselves , it's the nurses.When a doctor orders 100 g of a lethal drug and asks a nurse to give to a patient who is coding, who do you think is going to be responsible for that patient's life if he dies in their care because the nurse obliged him? Not the doctor, the nurse. (I have relatives who have worked in the medical field;that was based off a situation that actually happened). Nursing school is a qualifier for the MCAT, so obviously a nurse does have the potential for a mental capacity to qualify for medical school.Therefore, when compared to someone who planned to go to medical school, took the required math and science courses, but majored in a subject such as English, potential nurses can match them. Future nurses choose their career path in the same way as doctors; they probably have a facility for math and science as well as a sense of empathy. Just because they decide to not become doctors doesn't make them any less intelligent or respectable; consider that a career path is also a lifestyle choice. Some individuals simply don't have the personality traits to withstand the strain doctors undergo, nor the detachment from the subject matter, regardless how high their intelligence level is.
    A nurse who receives a Masters' or Doctorate has the potential to become a house supervisor at a hospital, which obviously means she has to comphrehend what is going on with patients.
    By the way, it's obvious have little to no prior knowledge about the medical field. Otherwise, you would have heard of Florence Nightingale, the nurse who revolutionized the concepts of proper sanitation and nutrition in hospitals after facing a lack of those conditions herself in medical barracks during the Crimean War. She single handily reduced the death rates of British soldiers who were wounded during the war from something like 40% to 2%. That's kind of basic medical history......

  101. Anon. @ 10:59 is officially the new a-hole of the day. God forbid you ever end up in a hospital. You will be sitting in a pile of s--t with no one around to help you. Do you really believe that a doctor is going to spend his/her time making you comfortable???

  102. People enjoy what they enjoy. The NCAA is all fluff compared to elite. Boring routines, too much clapping and singing, and loud awful music. Reminds me of cheerleading competitions. Make up, hairspray, and glitter everywhere.

  103. For more proof that John Geddert is a jerk, read this blog he just wrote - he sounds like he's complaining about Jordyn not being good enough and also whining about having to pay for the Olympics. Ridiculous! He said her energy level the week following trials "irritated the hell out of me." JERK

    1. Forgot to include the link!

  104. The NCAA is not the be-all-end-all of gymnastics, some people have no desire to go that route. There are a lot of issues that make going to the NCAA a poor choice for some girls and their choices need to be respected. BTW, in state tuition at University of Michigan this last year was about $12,700.00, so endorsements and prize money can cover more then might be expected.

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