Monday, September 12, 2011

This and That

Serena Williams was fined $2,000 for her latest outburst at the US Open.  Is it better to see Serena win or lose?  Both are exciting and have their merits.  Put yourself in the shoes of poor Eva who was on the receiving end of Serena's wrath.  Based on previous encounters, I think she had reason to be afraid.  Then again, Serena looked to be angrier and in better shape two years ago.  Her ass did weigh her down slightly and her mobility suffered anoche.  My favorites to chuckle at are the people who think she is somehow now a bad role model and that we should all stop watching her matches.  First of all, she hasn't been a 'role model' for some time.  Secondly, I'm DVRing the next nine matches she is  in to see what she will wear and who will tick her off.  There are purist tennis fans who hate the Williams sisters for the outlandish attention they receive.  There are those who hate their tendency to get sloppy.  There are those who are racist and are predisposed to hate them.  Personally, I love every second of their theatrics and awesome talent.  They may not be the classiest broads, but one can never claim they aren't genuine.

Let's take a moment and analyze just what Serena said on the changeover...

If you ever see me walking down the hallway, look the other way.  (Done.)

Remember, Serena never complains.  She is NOT the one!  Don't look her way!

Samuelson and Gilles are among the Grand Prix selection pool alternates.  Shockingly, Emily decided not to continue with Igor and Marina after she was dumped in favor of Madison Chock.  In a rare candid moment in the skating world, Emily Samuelson admitted that the situation with her former partner is 'a bit tender.'  Samuelson and Gilles are being coached by Yuri and Yasa alongside Lynn and Logan.  Their short dance was choreographed by Tom Dickson and their free dance was choreographed by Christopher Dean.  One has to think that this team will be among the sentimental favorites this season.

Battle of the Blades will premiere on September 18 at 9 PM as planned with Battle of the Blades: Game On.  The first episode will document the training for the show.  While some will find the episode fluffy, I savor every moment of Tanith Belbin, Sandra Bezic and Kurt Browning.  The first episode will feature a heartfelt tribute to Wade Belak.  Todd Simpson is replacing Belak on the third season of the hit CBC show.  We can only pray that Sandra Bezic will have another sexual Paul Martini moment and put all of the male contestants in skintight jeans. Luckily, Barb Underhill will not sully the TV screen with her lack of sex appeal.

Romanian television had a documentary on their gymnastics team.  The documentary was hosted by Andreea Raducan and featured Ana Porgras, Amelia Racea and all of the contenders at their recent national championships.

Hollie Vise vs. Kylee Botterman at Evolution


  1. lol, that evolution thing is silly.

  2. Just to stick up for Serena, she really doesn't complain about line calls. And she has had A LOT to complain about. It's unfortunate (but also hilarious) that her two big outbursts have been on such a big stage. Though let's be real: calling her "unattractive inside" isn't exactly going to make it into the annals of great breakdowns. (And Venus is total class on the court.)

  3. Off-topic, but can anyone tell me what season ladies skaters were first allowed to do a 3-3 combo in their short programs? Thanks.

  4. I've always preferred Venus over Serena. But that said, they're both not the brightest or most gracious of athletes, one only has to read about their upbringing and their totally ghetto, money-grubbing father to understand why they're the way they are.

  5. Emily seems to be going for the Tanith look. and pulling it off very well i might add.

  6. I wonder if it is just an act by the black lesbian. His tennis career is clearly declining {he was great in his time however} and this is a brilliant marketing thing by serenas agents, now Serena can be marketed as the bad boy of tennis.

  7. I enjoy Serena's outbursts IMMENSELY!! It just adds to the entertainment. But my favorite outbursts remains Boris Becker's at the 1990 U.S. Open especially versus Agassi in the semi-finals to whom he lost to for the first time. After losing a close point he'd shout to the chair umpire in frustration 'Watch it tonight on the T.V.!'! Referring to the nighly recaps. LOL!!!:D

  8. Serena doesn't look to be declining. She's always been considered a 'bad girl.'

  9. I agree with the first comment. Venus has always acted appropriately on the court. Serena has anger issues and needs to get that shit under control. Should their be more outbursts? No. That's not why the majority of fans watch the sport. We watch it to see athletes mastering the game.

  10. To the commenters that think Serena is on the decline, you clearly don't follow tennis. You're probably the average viewer that tunes in 4 times a year--for the finals of the Aussie, French, Wimbledon and US Open (if even the Aussie). Only a year following foot surgery and emergency surgery for a pulmonary embolism, she has been winning matches and a few titles like nobody's business. Granted she came up short at Wimbledon (but that was her first major back), she breezed through fairly easily to the US open finals, which is no easy feat for any top tennis player. Decline? I think not. On the rise from a comback? Yes.

  11. Even if Serena is past her peak, she looks more than capable of winning another 3-5 slams.

  12. I think Serena's behavior is terrible. Maybe other skaters in the past behaved similarly, but NONE of the current top women players allow themselves to act like Serena, most of them are actually extremely gracious and respectful. Venus has so much more class than Serena, it's hard to believe they are sisters. Also, Serena is so full of herself that makes it very difficult for me to root for her.

  13. Serena needs to just sit back and eat more muff.
