Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Adam Rippon's Quad Lutz


  1. I can't really tell if that was all the way around, but kudos to him for trying it.

    Now can he do it with his arms over his head?

  2. Incredible attempt... Maybe a little underrotated, but at this point, who cares. Wow

  3. A video was released so they must think at worst its a < and not a << Definitely doesn't look << but if the caller who screwed Mao out of her 3A's at worlds was calling it may be << but it looks totally good!

  4. Makes sense for him to attempt the QL and hopefully, perfect it. Pretty sure his competitive portfolio would skyrocket if he went for it in a single season. No need to do so at critical national and Olympic competitions, however. His rep would be solid, at that point.

  5. Saw Elvis Stojko doing those on practice sessions 20 years ago. Until they land it in competition, it's all for fun. (And that's said with all kindness.)

  6. NUTS. (Please don't hurt yourself, Adam!! I want to see you do well next season!!)

  7. 3 1/2 lutz at best. Bice try, but he should be more concerned about getting the 3A consistant.

  8. Mao has the best triple loops on earth!! What are you thinking with that????

  9. WOW! cool! looks good! his lutz is very solid!!
    i'm happy for him; i was worried he had hit a plateau this past season. and it is NOT a double downgrade, a single downgrade at worst. But it looks almost perfectly clean!!! :D

    which rink is that btw?

  10. I would rather buy a lottery.

  11. Nice promotion.
    He is SO smart, I guess. Very smart.
    I hope he can land it in competition.
    Good luck.

  12. Funny thing is, his coach Brian Orser hit an even bigger, MUCH bigger 3lutz to start off his '88 LP. That 3lz was a monster, and he had to open up WAY early on the landing (and still had great height) in order to stay on his foot. If he held on a little tighter, we may well have seen a no-cheated 4lz in 1988- holy s**t!

  13. There is one thing he must know.
    Two spots have been confirmed for the 2012 Worlds.
    (He seems to know that...)
    Plz, shut up, practice harder, and prove yourself in competition.

  14. Holy cow. Just that. Holy cow, good for him.

  15. Plushenko already landed his Quadruple Lutz. In his mind he won Adam, he won.

  16. Michael Weiss landed a quadruple Lutz "in competition" at the 1998 National Championships in Phila though it has not been officially admitted.


  17. 10 seconds out of practice...
    Lucky for him.
    But I won't buy it.
    He really need to improve skating skills, and get the 3A consistant besides quad.
    If* he cares about perfection of his program.

  18. I supposed it would make sense that he'd go for a 4lz out of all of the possible quads, given that he's a lutzmonster. Here's hoping he can get both that and the triple axel consistent IN COMPETITION for next season. I absolutely adore his skating, but I can't stand his inconsistency or his bad results at nationals.

  19. Maxim Trankov said at interview,
    "Obviously we have different ideas for the next season but we’ll only include in the program the elements that are more difficult than what we’re doing now if we’ll be performing them well at the practices at least eight times out of ten. Otherwise it’s just not worth it."

    I think, Maxim got to the point.

  20. He needs to learn how to stand up the easier jumps and not choke before trying harder jumps to choke on.

  21. nice. he obviously has been working on it. BUt with his nerves seeing it in compotition is very unlikely.

  22. AMAZING! Awesome attempt. Looks like he's very close to getting it to ME anyway. Well done Adam! :)

  23. So much for Nastia's comeback... nowhere near in the shape she needs to be in. She looks happy, though. Good for her.




  24. For the person who asked, this was filmed at World Arena in Colorado Springs

  25. Some of you are clueless. Just because he fell on a triple lutz in competition doesn't mean he can't work on a quad, which judging by this video, he is clearly talented enough to be attempting.

  26. I agree with the above comment. And if you people even just took the time to look at the rest of the person's channel, we see him working on his 3A.

  27. I think it looks good.
    Love, Dionne Warwick
