Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Unveiling of Yu-Na Kim's Arirang

I die.

Old Jump Content (under current base value): 44.15
New Jump Content: 43.00


  1. Omg this is so annoying i want to watch it too... Why did they make it unavailable in canada????? Arrrrrghhhhh

  2. Christopher said "Oly champ Kim Yu-na has not competed for over a year but has not looked rusty in training sessions in Moscow: both programs look memorable.

    What a beautiful piece of work!
    Yes, this will be a masterpiece, I feel.
    She did a great job.
    Thanks, AJ.

  3. It is just breathtaking to watch.

  4. sooooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!

  5. not having seen the entire program, i feel last year's LP (gershwin) was more original in it's choreography and build. the arirang melody is beautiful and so well known... not only in korea but elsewhere too...it should be utilized better to gain more emotional impact. last years had a strong beginning, middle and an end. i feel similar about the giselle SP too.

    i think the yuna/brian/david team was so strong... somehow you take one away and it doesnt work as well.

    anyway, just my humble opinion... cant wait to see it performed in the competition.

  6. Worth the wait. I love you, Yuna.

  7. Nice,but did she do 3 doubles axels?Aren't you not allowed to do that anymore?

  8. I wanted to see it, not available outside US I think :(

  9. lol What does Brian have to do with the choreo and music?? It was always Wilson who planned Yuna's programs for the last few years.

  10. has anyone mentioned how anyone else has been doing in practice? (albeit their programs are less of a mystery)

  11. I found this.

  12. Let the trolling begin.

  13. Let the korean trolling begin.

  14. Mao's program is much better

  15. need to see full programm

  16. stop trolling please!

  17. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
    I can't breath.

  18. I'm veeeeery happy to see this program.
    So, I can stand troll. :P

  19. Seriously, This program is not good

    just normal

  20. @ April 26, 2011 1:47 PM
    3lz-3t/ 3s-2t/ 3f/ 2a-2t-2lo/ 3lz/ 3s/ 2a

  21. jump content is junior level

  22. Looking forward to the whole program in all Yuna's costumed glory. Hope she blows away the competition...what an accomplished woman despite all the odds of (1) training in a country with little skating history, support, or political clout, (2) having to battle bitter racial antagonism and living up to the expectation of a nation, (3) having to survive being a target on the ice by a certain group of skaters, (4) betrayal of trust by her old coach, (5) determination by a certain federation to topple her by, e.g., using its political weight to change the skating rules decidely against her....it's a pity that people cannot just appreciate a young woman's gift to the world.

  23. Korean folk music is strange
    It is not good

  24. gift from God. and David Wilson is a genius. Creative!

  25. She uses a lot of asian beats and melodies in her LP. Very unique & stirring sounds...
    I like that.
    And as you know, yu-na's SP is Giselle.
    She shows much more of her dramatic range and ability.

    Thanks AJ.

  26. By just a practice clip, some people are already intimidated enough to show up here and post ugly commnets, it means this program is brilliant.

  27. Amen re: the scratch spin comment!
    Pretty skating, pretty music, rather forgettable program. It made me yearn for Lu Chen's 1995 long and its stylized movements and originality--wish we could have more of that here. I'm skeptical that we'd be so wowed by Kim's artistry if she couldn't do her huge triple triple...

  28. Speechless.....
    Yuna is always beyond my imagination.

    How can anyone not LOVE her?
    The program is soooooooo beautiful and touching....
    Yuna looks stunning as usual.

    I love her. I do. I really do.

  29. I have to agree with Zach. How can anyone say in one breath that Yuna's jump content is juniorish and in another cheer that Mao's is so superior? Mao's flutz is the worst amongst stop figure skaters today. She doesn't even make an effort to use the correct edge. She lacks speed and power, so I doubt she'll ever land another 3-3 combination. She is able to stay competitive with her 3A, but Mao's strength against Yuna is most certainly not jumping.

    I really like the music cut! I'll wait to reserve judgment until I see the program in competition, but I definitely agree about the scratch spin. fuuuuu IJS! D:

  30. Some of these comments are just O_O. And to the poster Zach, calling out other bots by using the one-trick pony card does not make you better than a bot.

  31. all this trolling can only mean one thing. Yuna's lp is brilliant!!
    She didnt compete for a year and she still has huge jumps!! That 2A was indeed huge!!!

  32. Whatever criticisms there could be of Yu Na's program is the fault of COP, not Yu Na or David. Skaters are forced to do ugly spins, like the I-spin, instead of the "simpler" scratch spin. Explosive footwork, a la Yagudin and Kwan, is no longer possible because skaters have to do twizzles and other silly moves to garner points. At least they no longer have to do the boring spiral sequence. Yu Na's spiral position, by the way, looks much improved. I wish she would hold it a little longer though--but probably not possible because she has to do some other point-getting move.

  33. I loved Giselle; I'm not quite enamored by Arirang yet. I love the music, but when there's less heavy, more lyrical orchestration, I feel she can still do more to emote (this applies towards the middle and end of the program). I hope she puts it all together at the event, because this could be her iconic long program.

  34. Im not in love yet. But usually her programs grown on me. Giselle was better.

  35. SHE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!

  36. This is just a practice clip and I got goosebumps. I think I might cry watching the main event. OMG, another memorable program. It was worth waiting for!!

  37. Actually, she could have easily raised her jump scores by doing 2 triple flips instead of two triple salchows. That alone would give her 1.1 extra points. The double toe should did in the first half here could be done in the second half.

  38. I LOVE YOU YUNA! This program is stunning!!! :D

  39. Don't feed the trolls.

    Yuna's a great champion, so is Mao. Let the skating begin!

  40. Who else but Yuna can bring about a new style in figure skating?!

  41. I like Yuna. That said, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by a new style. What style is that? I do like her skating to Arirang, though - one of the most beautiful pieces of "folk" music in the world.

  42. Behind a successful person lies a pack of haters.

  43. When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign: That all the dunces are in confederacy against him.

    GO YU-NA!

  44. korea folk song is fatastic....
    This program will be revolution and legend of figureskating

  45. She is an exquisite skater and I think this program suits her well - better than the Giselle piece.

  46. @April 26, 2011 8:27 PM
    Well, something like unique? more distinctive?
    I don't know...
    I just say, this looks definitely something special.
    Look at her graceful movements, expression and feelings.
    That's what I've missed.

  47. What a beautiful program and gorgeous music. I can only imagine how epic this will be on Saturday.

  48. According to The Star.com http://www.thestar.com/sports/figureskating/article/979958--starkman-skate-rivalry-boils-over-on-and-off-ice

    "The key for Kim will likely be skating for herself, not her country. She didn’t want to compete at last year’s world championships in Turin, totally spent after winning at the Olympics under intense pressure. But a visit from a Korean figure skating official to her then training base in Toronto convinced her to change her mind."

    And said Wilson. “When all the dust was settled, she was left with ‘Do I want to do this and why?’ It took her a while, but I see her now she’s not even skating for the medals. She’s skating for herself probably the first time.”

    I'm just happy to see her at Worlds again.

  49. Do you remember this? Yu-Na Kim's statement on her new programs.

    "Let me first begin with my short program, Giselle.
    In this program, I, as Giselle, perform her mixed and complicated emotions.
    These emptions are sometimes very intense, lovely, and sad.
    I believe you can see various feelings and emotions through my performance.
    I'm trying to perform Giselle focusing on her emotions as much as I can.

    Speaking of my Long Program, Homage to Korea,
    since this is a kind of music I have never skated with before, I am trying to reflect on images of Korea in my performance.
    As this is my special thanks to Korean fans who have always supported and cheered for me, I am trying to express my grateful heart toward them in the program.

    In the past, since I thought of results so much before competitions, I often felt nervous and anxious about my performance.
    But now, my goal is to perform my programs in the way I want to skate while interacting with the audience.
    I think that goal is the real motive that encourages me."

  50. lol "Zach said... Were Americans this annoying during the Kwan/Lipinski Kwan/Cohen Kwan/Sluskaya rivalries?"

    Arirang is a Korean folk standard. All ready registered over 7,000 hits. Folks are hungry. LOL, Kim missed the Triple Flip and walked away slightly rattled and bummed. Y is she doing a spiral? It's not required anymore. She's got the best choice in music since Michelle Kwan.

    Aunt Joyce: "I die." Me, too.

  51. Full of trolls, nothing surprising when it comes to Yuna related posts ;)

    Though I can tolerate their trolling for today; since I'm so thrilled and excited to see her unique & elegant LP.

  52. We probably were just as annoying in the Kwan/Lipinski/Cohen/Slutskaya era. It just took us longer to do it. ;)

  53. I'm not as wowed by this program as I imagined I'd be. I'm not that impressed, and I'm a little perturbed b/c I'm a huge Yu-Na fan! It may be b/c it's a practice clip and the distraction of other skaters and the fact that she stopped mid program a couple of times so I couldn't really get into the program. I like Giselle b/c you can see that she's reaching to portray emotion and tell a story; plus it has some really pretty moments in it. For me, I can't point to a particular moment in Arriang where I'm like, "Oh, that's gorgeous!"

    In terms of technical content, Yu-Na's isn't as difficult as it used to be but she's still the only woman w/ a consistent 3-3 that isn't a 3t-3t, plus she does her jumps well which usually garners high +GOE marks, so I'm not worried about the slight base point differential.

    Hopefully that added spark of competition and the full package delivery will change my mind about her program, but as of right now, I think Mao's LP is better. Granted, I've seen Mao's program all season and seen it evolve into the masterpiece that it is now. I really feel it's the best program she's ever had and, finally, she'll be on even footing with Yu-Na when it comes to artistry which means it's anyone's game. Last season if Yu-Na went clean that was it; hands down, she won even if Mao was clean. THIS season I think it'd be possible for a clean Mao to beat a clean Yu-Na because Mao finally has a program with some substance to it.

    In the end, it'll come down to execution for both of them. Mao has to hit on all of her jumps to make up for the lack of +GOEs she gets, and Yu-Na has to hit on her jumps to make up for her lesser base value. If they're both clean, it'll be a tough decision. Either way, this oughta be good!

  54. I don't see anybody beating a clean Yuna, unless Mao pulls off the skate of her life with two fully rotated triple axles plus 3flip-3loop combo.

    This program, even in its infant stage, is stunningly beautiful and I am very anxious to see its full rendition on Saturday.

  55. Chairwoman Mao of Tsunami-ravaged, radiation-plagued Japan vs. Yu Na Kim Jong Il of United K(orea)-Town: let the reparations for Comfort Women begin!

  56. Wow.. Yuna scored again.. She might be the only skater who can explore any routes in the figure skating field without pressure. With her gold medal from last Olympic, Yuna could skate whatever she wants. I think that her LP is very unique and experimental. This is a good contrast to her new SP, which represents the traditional figure skating style. Good strategy. I can't wait to see her compete on Ice again.

  57. I don't know why but I'm a little underwhelmed by this program. I feel like there's something missing from it. I feel like her last program just had a bit more, choreography wise. I'm sure it'll be better once we see it performed full out but for now I'm going to say it's nice but not better than her previous programs...

  58. Gosh, there are a lot of yuna haters. I don't get it. Maybe that's kind of a thing that comes with the superstar position. Sucks, huh? One thing for sure, She's the most beautiful skater on the ice I've ever laid my eyes on. I can't get enough of her. For me it's always Yuna and the rest of them. I'm sorry, the other skaters. But that's how I feel. I'm a guy so....
