Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Palate Cleansers

How to solve a problem like Miki Ando's current abortion of a program...


  1. Ahahaha, I love the new tag! "Music not for Miki". :)

  2. Karen Kwan probably could have won a medal on the Grand Prix circuit this year with that program.

  3. I was in the arena for that Matt Savoie performance. Gave me chills.

  4. Oh come on, it's not as if Miki's LP is Plushenko-level bad, and I really do give her a lot of credit for coming up with a very nice new SP - especially considering that her prior SP really WAS an 'abortion'.

  5. A very nice new SP? Yes, it is, except for her horrible spins, slap-jumps, loafing steps, non- musical skills, missing choreography.

  6. What are slap jumps?

    I think Miki has nice jumps. They are certainly better than Karen Kwan which amazes me when I see Michelle's jumps which are pleasing (imo) to the eye because they are in general so text book.

  7. THe judges alway hated savoie, never understood it. He probably was not lickin the right ass. I thought that Paul Wylie was the biggest head case of all time. It is just funny that he actually hit in the one big competition that he needed to.

  8. Wow, lots of extension and field moves in that Wylie program. Very nice to watch even if his spins and footwork were not particularly stellar.

    Ando's 'new' SP looks mostly like a re-arrangement of her 'old' one with different music and dress. Even if Murakami's SP is a bit cheesy it's much more entertaining.

  9. That Matt Savoie program was freaking brilliant.
