Saturday, July 3, 2010

This and That

Serena has done it again! She beat up on her tempestuous Russian opponent, who the commentators enjoyed watching writhe in the presence of the master. They recounted her many outbursts, as though Serena is a docile creature. One could take Mary Carillo's descriptions of Serena as 'menacing' to be questionable if it Mary's lust for Ms. Williams wasn't so transparent.

When you're busted, you're busted. Damon Evans was arrested for a DUI this week. While that is a major mistake, it is his outburst and attempt to weasel his way out of it that is making headlines. A pair of red panties was found between Damon's legs, which he claimed to be holding for the 28 year-old companion in his passenger seat. Damon repeatedly asked to be taken to a motel. The arrest came minutes before his new contract was to taken effect, which would net him $550,000 a year. Read all about it.

Team Russia beat up on the world at the Japan Cup. Aliya Mustafina, Tatiana Nabieva and Koko Tsurumi will battle for the All-Around title tomorrow. On the men's side, it was Japan all the way, with Germany second and the USA third.


  1. She eats a lot of muff. Oh well at least she is fun to make fun of. I dont know why they gave that hermie such a hard time at the track world championships, and this hermie gets a free ride! Racism?!?

  2. Zach, thanks for posting that Mary Carillo video. I loved it, and I can't believe I hadn't seen it before. My favorite Mary moment is her "This is why some people just raise chinchillas" after ASac's unfortunate TF performance.

    Happy you're back, AJ. :) Wish Venus would've made finals. Her marathon victory over Davenport back in 2005 is one of my fave tennis moments.

  3. What an ugly episode for Damon Evans. He's going to lose his license, job and marriage in one shot. I have this image of a successful, upstanding married father drunk driving while simultaneously diddling some young tramp in the passengers seat. There is just so much wrong going on at once here.

  4. Serena is the Queen and Rafael is the King of the courts.
