Sunday, July 4, 2010


As expected, Kohei Uchimura won the AA at the Japan Cup. He did so with the most brilliant Amanar ever seen. It is disgusting how good the World Champion actually is.


  1. Exactly! What's there to deduct?!? A perfect landing like this is SO rare, not to mention the perfect posture, angle, knees and toes. Man, he's still 21 ! Goose bumps, just to think how far he might go.

  2. His toes were pointed while he was twisting. I think it would be a stretch to say that he piked a little as he was about to land, but come on. Crazy good, and the American gymnast at the end can't stop laughing, I can only imagine him thinking man, I can not be that good.

  3. The only thing that was deductible, in my mind, was the leg separation on landing (which the judges can't even see from the side). That's only 0.1. Where in the FUCK are they getting 0.4 from???

  4. Holy. Shit.

    That is a thing of beauty. I could sit and watch that all day long. That form...that height...that LANDING...


  5. I think his shoulder angle was a tad off on the horse, that's my only guess.

  6. Gosh that was just too perfect. I hope he repeats as world champ. His gymnastics is beautiful to watch!
